[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I trust Derps’s neut claim

I don’t really trust Shurian’s

That’s why I’m killing Shurian, I’m totally down to lynch someone else

…sure. Why not.

…wait. So… DI? Not Visionary… Alch is possible if Shurian used Experimental Potion, but why bother claiming as Strigoi then? Plus, they also said that they didn’t use any abilities…
…ah whatever; kill them both already.

Lynch Derps, Jailexe Shurian.

Honestly? I can’t really give you a good reason. I’m in the PoE and I fully accept that I am a good candidate for a lynch. If the info I’ve given isn’t enough to stop it, then so be it. Just do us all a favor and don’t axe me in jail.

I feel like this is just you thinking I’m playing my FoL24 scumgame but that’s how I play always.

I can confirm nobody did so.

You trust Derps claim… about being a Strigoi? A vampire that disables healing, and has to survive until F5 or else they lose?

Where are you seeing anything about F5?

So … Aristo, Sage, or something else?

I’d actually argue I’m a decent lynch for today so you can trust my confirmation

but obviously I’d like to not be lynched

None of the above

Well, I’ve kind of already softed my exact class, and while I don’t think I’m massively important I’d rather keep it ambiguous

…oh god, this is worse. So half of us needs to be infected with Vampirism, and even if we are, then Strigoi is still a 3rd party who doesn’t necessarily have to win with town, and can betray us at any time.
Add the fact that scum can kill Strigoi whenever they want, this Neut should be threatened to work with scum.
If you are going to say “they will waste a kill”; they are already wasting their kills anyways. We -or at least I- don’t know much about scum, so whoever they kill if not Strigoi is… Duke, Arbalest… meh. Too many options; all of which are “good options”, but not necessarily “the must-have” option.

Hey. What do you think of today’s lynch options? Derps vs Shurian. Do you think there is a better lynch than these two?

Scum can’t kill neuts without using their CTA ability

On the other hand if any of our TKs bypass healing they can feel free to eliminate Derps

I think getting the Strigoi out would be better than a mislynch

Obviously narrowing down our PoE would be beneficial, but if scum can’t convert again until N5 I think we have quite a bit of time to do so

At the moment I haven’t actually analyzed too many peoples’ ISOs because I’ve been moderately busy and unsure who is alive/dead since the OP isn’t updated, so I don’t really have any names specifically

Oh. Hm… Okay. You got me.
Then, any clues for the remaining 2 BD?

That’s really bad

Why would you EVER want to lynch a neut in this game state

This gamestate is great for lynching neuts, we’re way ahead at this point

Like I’m neuts in but Derps is objectively incorrect

Why would you want to lynch a neut when you’re ahead when you could lynch scum

I don’t see the point of lynching a neut when you’re ahead unless their wincon is like defeat the unseen faction

We could maybe hammer down and find the starting Visionary before N5 while still wasting a day killing a neutral

or we could narrow down the PoE since we’re ahead…

Both sides make sense. How narrow is our Visionary PoE at the moment?