[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

/vote KyoDaz

~ vote science ~

Considering he canā€™t get converted but can choose one of three wincons, Vulgard may be aware enough to choose.

  1. Vulgard Shurian: Alch claim
  2. SirDerpsAlot: Strigoi claim
  3. WazzaAzza Handmaiden claim
  4. Arete: Duke
  5. JakeTheWolfie/Zone: Baronet claim
  6. Possessed: Handmaiden claim
  7. Ozzkozz/Sam Marauder claim
  8. Frostwolf103: Stalker claim
  9. Soulshade55r :crown: : Corrupted King claim
  10. Cheeki/Katze Stalker claim
  11. Isaac_Gonzalez Torturer claim
  12. Solic Marchioness claim
  13. KyoDaz: Arbalest claim

We lynch Sirderp/Shurian
Arete jails exes Sirderp/Shurian (they confirm themselves as not converted)
Katze/Frostwolf follow me, I visit [REDACTED], confirming us three, by Katze claiming first target, then Frost second target, so they trust each other and they will know I doublevisit. Actually wait probability wise, this means that Katze should claim second. I can actually use day ability to check them as well, so I know for sure too.

Isaac uses his day ability on Frost, who would get no feedback back, so heā€™d join a towncore of 4. He uses night ability on Arete to protect them.

Katze uses day ability to track Zone not leaving his room as his abilities are disabled.

Kyo kills Wazza PoE
Sam kills Possessed PoE

Soul guards me, because I can confirm both Katze and Frost, which is most +EV and also still have aligment check later on, and Isaac already guards Arete.

Oof how am I still in this PoE

I think if I explained the effectiveness of my day ability would be drasticaly lowered

Thatā€™s a failed vote and wonā€™t gain any traction whatsoever.

/vote Isaac

Actually these would nullify each other, because Zone could stay and one of them would be seen as killer, blastā€¦ hmm.

How are you not in there??

Why do you trust me so much? And why arent you the convert?

I mean, if anybody couldnā€™t tell Iā€™m Handmaiden buy now :woman_facepalming:

What are your results Possessed?

Whatever though. Should I even bother trying to find the convert??

I know who Iā€™m using my day ability on, donā€™t worry about it.

In before you and Katze are scum with plan like that, we need someone to look for possible loopholes

Because you slipped about conversion and have good associations with PKR and Jgoes.

And Iā€™m not, because Iā€™m notā€¦ I can doublevisit tonight to prove it too. Iā€™m proposing a nightplan with two tracker claims on me. :smile:

Then youā€™d find me as scum, because I wouldnā€™t be able to doublevisit.

Why wonā€™t it get traction? Because your scumbuddies wonā€™t sheep it?

N1 Matchmake Frost
N2 Matchmake PKR - Not compatible

Unfortunately my target was killed before I could prove myself so you just gotta go on how obvitown I am.

Oh, so Frost is cleared under your word.

It wonā€™t get traction because this is either a repeat of Looming Threat or youā€™re converted.
The amount of shade you have thrown there is insane.