[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

You sick bro.

I donā€™t feel comfortable putting Wazza in my TC yet

I mean they did try to pin a mislynch on Wazza.

I have no sympathy for neuts. :man_shrugging:

There is zero room left for whatever trickery they can pull anymore.

ā€¦oh. That makes sense.

Can we get a list of confirmed people?

Most likely converts, since you used your ability already and canā€™t be proven. Solic I justā€¦couldnā€™t change in time. I wanted Isaac since he canā€™t be proven either.

Iā€™m confirmed as of last night
Isaac is confirmed as of yesterday and therefore as of last night
Katze and Frost are both confirmed as of last night
Solic is confirmed as of last night
Wazza is semi-confirmed but Solic could have been converted last night in which case Wazza isnā€™t confirmed
Zone is sorta confirmed as of N2
Soul is the King and therefore out of the Visi/convert PoE

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Isaac is confirmed, he used his day ability on Frost


I mean, you can execute me too if Kyo doesnā€™t flip visionary. You can pop me too if Kyo flips Heroine too, ill still take that exchange.

Confirmed doesnā€™t mean.not converted. Thatā€™s my job as HM. Find the convert.

When Solicā€™s plan is to make towncore he trusts.

Little did he know the plan has a flaw: Visionary can visit but cannot be investigated.

Visionary can have fakeclaim, but canā€™t fake visits, especially with ability that requires two targets.

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Wellā€¦ there was one action that I can still do, but it is not quiteā€¦ helpful at the moment.

I mean, yeah. That world would have been awesome, but there is one problem: I am not smart enough to claim a role whichā€¦
ā€¦huh. Had I been Visionary, then claiming Baronet would actually leave me in a very good position.
ā€¦damn. Such a shame that it isnā€™t the case.
I have a plan to confirm myself though. However, it involves a killing role that is not Arete.

I mean if he was converted he had to have been converted last night and literally anyone could have been converted last night except Soul

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There is no flaw in it, since I have a day ability that can verify it and also you know information that you wouldnā€™t know. You canā€™t just randomly guess 2 visits out of 10 possible targets or so.

That is what you believe, but itā€™s useless when you are killed or converted.

Nobody occupied Kyo/Sam, right?

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I still think scum likely missed the N2 conversion based on the lack of a BD death last night although I acknowledge there are other possibilities

if my theory is right that points to it being Kyo (visited the outed neut), Wazza (maybe occupied), or literally anyone if they went for Ici (or technically for Shuri)

We have no occupation claims except Isaac, who was on Arete.

Isaac confirms that right? Ok.

Yeah, and Frost confirms Isaac.

Going to bed now. :wave:

Soā€¦ weā€™re left with Sam and Possessed? (And potentially Wazza?)