[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

By the way, is Katze Nightwatch and not Stalker?
If so, then @katze, could you give me your logs?

I mean itā€™s Soul

Might be scum

Might be town

The Sword of Damocles yesterday felt townie, Iā€™m leaning Unseen off of that

I checked the abilities of the BD King and I didnā€™t see anything too concerning except invest interference, which realistically they wouldnā€™t know who to target with anyway.

basically since he canā€™t do anything I think we should lynch Kyo, lynch Soul if Kyo flips Visi and the game doesnā€™t end (because he probably doesnā€™t have a convert), and otherwise kill off the Visi + Heroine first and then Soul from there if itā€™s not over

He is indeed claiming Nightwatch not Stalker

ā€¦Arete? BD Kingā€™s invest interference involves all BD to be seen as US.
Given that Wazza checked Solic twiceā€¦ actually if Soul flips BD King, then there would be no telling who is who anymore since he couldā€™ve messed up a lot of feedbacks.

Half the people who are confirmed are confirmed off of Stalker/Nightwatch feedback and Maxwell apparently isnā€™t allowing tailors to affect that

Oh? I need to confirm that, but if that was the case, then whatā€™s the use of BD Kingā€™s last ability?

Interferes with Marshal

Interferes with Handmaiden (which we do have at least one of)

possibly interferes with some other things?

but it doesnā€™t mess with tracker/watcher abilities as far as I can tell, and it wouldnā€™t allow Isaac to fake the day-RB on Frost, nor for me to jailexe someone :upside_down_face:

Ahā€¦ I see. Cops only, huh? In that case, very well.

As far as I can tell from the text of the ability it interacts with abilities that detect alignment but not with abilities that detect other things

so for instance it would interfere with Handmaiden but not with Nightwatch, since Nightwatch isnā€™t checking anything faction-related

I could be wrong but I donā€™t think I am

anyways Iā€™m going to sleep, see you all in the morning

Kyo/Possessed/Sam/very technically Zone but not really is our Visi PoE, with Kyo/Possessed having substantially more scum equity than either of the other two

Iā€™m jailing Possessed which for obvious reasons makes Kyo a better lynch

if itā€™s not Kyo and the game doesnā€™t end when they die we can solve the convert from there, Iā€™m torn on the extent to which invests should coordinate their checks

D2: Angry Bird PokemonKidRyan (Left their room)
N2: Follow KyoDaz (No visitors, visited Shurian)
D3: Angry Bird Zone (Did not leave their room)
N3: Follow Solic (Visited by Frostwolf and Wazza, visited Katze and Possessed)

No D1/N1 cause sub

Itā€™s embarrassing regardless. :eyes:

You know this is kind of what mafia is

Burn the witch~

You told me to execute Wazza, fairly sure. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Leaving Shurian to mindwarp/frame their way to several mislynches for the plan.

Hmā€¦ Very well. @Solic, what did you do N3 again?

Yes well, I have been saying this D3 that I am reading Shurian as not BD, Solic wants Neuts Out and lied to us with his so called possibility

Yeah, the moment Shurian confirms my N1 result, he sound unsure.

Wellā€¦ at least all the neuts are out. No more roleblocks. No more anti-heals (even though we got no more). No more frames. No more potential backstabbers.

This is false. I was occupied by them Night 1ā€¦

I actually didnā€™t post that I got perfect match, not that it matters much with a Visionary that alters their investigative type, but still.

D1: VIP list - One player from one faction visited me
N1: Social Links - Jgoes and PKR - Unable to investigate targets
N2: Social Links - PKR and Wazza - No Match!
D3: VIP list - Three players from one faction visited me
N3: Social Links - Katze and Possessed - Perfect Match!

Nightwatch can also peek, even though thatā€™d be a hilariously bad decision to do here.