[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Yeah, but Soul (King), Sam and Isaac (modconfirmed unseen) are hellbent on lynching me.

Argh, bleeding Arete

ā€œKyo is inactive, so there might be no convertā€
immediately after
ā€œIā€™m bleedingā€

Why would the Heroine bleed if weā€™re about to ML Kyo

Meaning someone is convertedā€¦

It literally makes no sense to bleed someone there unless Kyo is BD

Kyo canā€™t turn himself into Heroine.

Zone matches with Solic, and Solic is basically lock town.

What if the Visionary puppeted Kyo into bleeding/Kyo is the Visionary and someone else bled?

cough cough

Immunity to investigations, shows up as fakeclaim instead

oh, right.

Iā€™m not convinced Kyo isnā€™t worth lynching

I am not saying Zone is scum, but you know what I am saying. It could be anyoneā€¦and anyone.

Two players who are legit af, thanks to Solicā€™s plan.

I meanā€¦ there is Avenge, which lets the Visi become the Heroine?
If Visi converted Kyo, sees that Kyo left the game, turned himself into Heroine, bled Arete, lets Kyo die, and become the Visi againā€¦ would that work?

It only works with Visionary died once.

Kyo is probably worth lynching but Iā€™m not as sure as I was a moment ago

@Solic hello yes you are basically 100 percent confirmed not Visi/convert, come talk to me

Take a moment to read.

The keyword is Shi ne

Ok, enough creepy Japanese dialogue from anime.

It means die.

Frost, I fail to see your point.
Avenge doesnā€™t need the OG Visi to die. It can forcefully switch the OG Visi with the new convert, which had become the Heroine.
After which, the Second Visi (former Heroine, former convert, Kyo) dies either by lynch or by Arete, the Heroine (former OG Visi) gets to become the Visi again.

Oh and I forgot this