[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Our king is such happy fellower of string theory :wink:

REEE I always miss the exact day start.

eh not really I see your argument but they can be very important.

I only missed by 6-8 minutes.

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Statistics should never be brought up when talking about someoneā€™s alignment unless itā€™s legit astronomically low

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For example people were talking about the chances I rolled the same class multiple times in my GI games. I rolled one class 4-5 times.

Alright, that does intrigue me since I did not expect you to bring this up and I was going to do so myself. I do not see what your intentions are since I doubt you would want to attract attention to yourself.

At this time this means we have a 3/5 chance we can trust you so that means we have to be more cautious than usual (IIRC the percentage is usually 75/25 or something like that, right?)

Also I currently do not feel particularly good about you because I do not see why you would have answered Datā€™s question in that way instead of answering normally in which thereā€™s no way to have evidence, yet.

Dont think thatā€™s how it works bud

40% is normally a bit higher for scum king

Might aswell point it out weā€™re going to get no where meme posting for a while, Generally Kings need to lead people (or thatā€™s how I see it at least).

what do you mean the ā€œnormalā€ way to awnser datā€™s question?

Also which question? I think dats given a couple.

Can old fool roll cause why would eevee ask for death as a evil

The question on which scum faction is present. The only way you would have an opinion imo is if youā€™re scum king. Why BD over HoB, after all?

14 breaking and entering

Soft donw


Every classcard in the OP of this thread is fully accurate.

Old fool cannot roll.

But apparently 2 seperate scum factions can.

But how am I supposed to win this without a kill nor convert, lmao.

*soft down

Just saying thatā€™s my soft for later so yeah

because itā€™s a question, I donā€™t really care for it that much I just said bd because I felt like it, whatā€™s the right way to answer the question?

I donā€™t think their is and avoiding the question looks worse

The op states otherwise

Dont think this would be here otherwise