[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I’m not communicating with you anymore if you make baseless assertions based on nothing

same lol

I thought you asked if Unseen is confirmed already after you quoted your own post.
And then I realised you must have looked at my wallpost and realised I labelled everyone as Unseen so that’s like impossible.

I should’ve made a fake wallpost and labelled everyone as Blue Dragon to try and get someone to slip.

I should probably read the classes tbh

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Theirs just so many

@JakeTheWolfie u happy yet? those have been my reads


I’m surprised you are not following up on me quoting read on me and saying kind is unseen.

@Arete Don’t worry, I will change claim in around 15 minutes. Or not.
I need to find one suiting me and this one seems cool enough.

Oh. I don’t really have a stance on Soulshade anymore.

u dont need one u need a 1000 word essay done stat so u can get some sleep

Well, it’s not a high priority. But yes.

You don’t trust tthat I’m yellow brotherhood of something faction so I had to change claim.


Maybe claiming NK will convince you, hmmm.

So where are your scumreads? All I see is:

Eevee is Neutral, could be scum, could be town.

Arete is suspicious

Kyos/Geyde are town

Someone is also town, or this is a joke

Vul is scummy

Insurgent was really fun, but i need to understand ur goal Eevee, whats ur plan this game

wow its like u pointed them out

Claiming scum till you get bored enough to kill me, so I won’t have to multitab this, Alice’s game and team mafia.

You’re on the fence for Eevee.

Arete is suspicious for 1 reason

Vul is scummy because…?

actually relatable, but Imma need something more from ya



There you go, picked some nice image with something more

Yeah and?
Arete is scummy imo for other things as well, like i feel his push on Marshal seemed very oppertunistic
Something about Vul is making my gut scream scum, idk dont got much
My reads are bad, idrc we have like 30 something hours to refine them out