[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

You think Frost got converted?

This reaction feels non-genuine

You think I got converted?

I feel like your information is pretty straightforward?

Hold your horses.

I donā€™t know

It requires an awful lot of coincidences to be possible

on the other hand youā€™re alive and there arenā€™t that many Stalker results that could out the entire scumteam

I mean Nightwatch is way stronger than Marchio and we were both in a triple confirm group.

You being alive is mostly weird because youā€™d normally be SPKā€™d by now

but Iā€™m reserving judgment until Frost outs their results

I also very specifically asked for a guard.

You did that in LT as well :upside_down_face:

also Iā€™m reading this king as BD and I expect scum are as well

I thought Soul was towny early on forā€¦ actually posting.

I wanted to be King there however? Also I hyperfocused on it there.

But that quickhammer was dirrttyyy

He tried to quickhammer to end discussion yesterday immediately after I said ā€˜wait I need more time Iā€™m bleedingā€™

and heā€™s refused to out literally any of his logs even after asked repeatedly and even after itā€™s been explained why it would be helpful

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Well yeah, that was yesterday, but I wouldnā€™t say he was scumread early on, so a fear of guard is legit.

Really gtg now though.


Share results, so I can share mine.

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Iā€™m going to go ahead and take this as a claim that you havenā€™t visited any dead people

It occurs to me that ā€˜Solic and Wazza out the presence of a redcheck, but not who itā€™s on, if applicableā€™ probably should have been first on the list


Ok I am back, yes as I said I may have found the whole scum team.

Sam17z left the room
Isaac_Gonzalez did not visit anyone last night.

I am going to assume Avenge is used previous day, there is no excuse for Isaac to forgot to prevent visits to Arete.