[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Bleh! If this is talking about an early lynch, get this out of here! I don’t like Soul either, but lynch him later hnggh

We are not lynching Squid today.

I gave up reading at Post 150, there were too many memes.


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we’re also not lynching her tommorow

ignore me, i’ve gotten too used to D1 lynch

To be fair in a 20p game like this where we have 3 starting groupscum I think we should have had a D1 Lynch.

Having a D1 lynch mindset is anyways just better for posting mentality. :man_shrugging:

Your reads are severely unspicy still. :pouting_cat:

I’m a bit impatient today, I should go like do chores and come back to spiciness.

There better be spiciness

solic please i’ve only been subbed in for 27 minutes give me a bit


I have high expectations of you. :man_shrugging:

Maybe too high.

Lockscum. :eyes:

KyoDaz is pretty wolfy

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This post lampshades its lack of real arguments in a way that never comes from a wolf


The one by Ici I mean

No, but in fairness, his content is really weird and has some fairly TMI-y elements, particularly in how he treats Soulshade. Think about it this way: Kyo talking about lynching Soulshade early (something I’m not opposed to by the way!) dosen’t go as an early read like that would normally go; it goes more like Kyo knows exactly where he wants the read to end up.

Especially when he talks about his way of reasoning being far more sophisticated (hint: it’s not) and then pulls out this PbPA with very little progression into it and makes no real conclusions from it, as if he’s just trying to convince people of something he’s already worked out for himself despite the tfact he clearly hasn’t.

TL;DR: his progression is bad and that’s wolfy but there’s still a modicum of potential villa in there

The way I see it, he’s acting super wolfy but he’s also a claimed Duke, so he’s basically self-resolving in that if he’s lying the real one can just execute him N2


I mean it’s Kyo

Claiming a PR as a PR, claiming a PR as scum to bait a CC, and claiming a PR as town and getting himself killed by the real one are all within his known range of play