[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Figured you’d get checked tonight. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And you have to get Unseen lynched.

solic don’t argue with the openwolf.

everyone just ignore possessed here

I ain’t no wolf Pfft. You got a town full of unseen, worry bout them before they get their numbers and let me get my wincon in peace.

…Are you saying you aren’t Unseen? confusion

how do you get that from that post?

Skimming through… The only thing I really realised was

I think I like Icibalus this game.

i do to, although the feeling clearly isn’t mutual

Possessed was like ‘I’m going to mark you, I thought you’d get checked’
Solic was like ‘but you need to see Unseen lynched’

maybe I’m just dumb

… That’s why it doesn’t make sense for him to do it.

i think poss said taid they “was” gonna mark solic. Not are

wait what ???

Wait. Who was pushing me? I’m literally town sided.


“Kappa this is normal game yessings? Unseen us bad and BD is good?”


So if Possessed needs to lynch Unseen

And Possessed marking you makes no sense for that reason

That implies that you aren’t Unseen, right?



Also proves they arent town kappa

Oh. Wait, really?

the openclaim of scumsided neut already did that for me.

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Now excuse me
But what the f