[SFoL] SFoL 57 -- Last Stand of the Virtuous -- Signups (20/20)

@DatBird Can you play if this rolls this weekend?
I remember you offering to join if it started earlier.

With that we’d have 16.

I cant. Family problems atm and that’s gonna make this weekend fun if u know what I mean. I just dont think I can

I could wait to start it until monday and just roll it this weekend

Would that work

Idk I’d have to see how this weekend goes. I cant give u exacts atm do to these problems


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I’m sort of worried about this potentially starting at the same time as DR

That seems like it could go badly :eyes:

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good thing im not in DR

well since isaac just inned i can start it today
which is before danganropa

A day before

Isn’t DR starting literally tomorrow?

what do you think would be best for a starting date for this game

Depends on when Danganronpa ends

Mid-December would be good for me but I get that you don’t want to wait :eyes:

mid-December is for family noob

Personally let Dangan finish at least its first day and start it prob N1 of Dangan

start it now

There has been a SFoL and a mash running concurrently on this site multiple times before
I’m unfamiliar with the nature of the problem

U do u/what mods say. But like 30+ game is gonna take a lot of time away from other games. And I dont know the correlation between the player list but then being both at same time and both 72 might be a bit much

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And it’s not like u can just wait and be like after dangan. Then u have anothe game to compete with. At least n1 maybe N2 prob be best time