[SFoL] SFoL 57 -- Last Stand of the Virtuous -- Signups (20/20)

Yeah i shouldn’t be treading scalding water putting this in line with finals either
Mid-december it is.


Ok like I’m going on Vacation right as finals end. I might not be able to join but I will still be a backup then. No worries

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Legit family was going to Disney without me but something came up and a SO of one of my family members couldnt go and now I am. Missing two finals that are scheduled but actually arent meeting so it works with me.

Aggressively pinging people also works wonders to get something to fill.

Is that sarcasm or no?

No, that’s unsolicited advice.

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But also please no

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I’ll probably massping tomorrow or something

…can this please get players already?

Btw, just noticed this. I might have to out as I kinda want December for myself and family. If it starts early December I’ll probably stay.

It will be probably postponed when it starts mid december with christmas anyway

Pls sign up :frowning:

Should I massping? Idk

Maybe more will sign up once Danganronpa ends.

Personally addressing people (like through pinging, masspinging is less effective in that manner) is what I always do to get more people to join.



Join us, Tangela

@Tangeld If you join my game i’ll in to yours lol


Double ping
For the (w)in

I think my ultimate decision is that if this game fills within a week from now, it’ll start right then; otherwise, not until mid-December.