[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

My ISO already answers all of this guy’s questions and yet they persistently tunnel me for “not understanding subtext.”

Their read is not real and they are not trying to figure out my alignment. Either they are a villager deathtunneling in the worst way possible, using the dumbest arguments imaginable… or they are just a wolf who is trying their best to make me lose composure.

The guy has over 300 posts and I remember exactly none of them.

Oh, then please enlighten me. What amazing observations about important things does your ISO contain?

you can pick and choose any posts you want to slide into a list, make it appear any way you like, man

Which is better than nothing, no matter how flawed.

I know your most likely alignment, I just hate how much of a dumbass you are

I Townread you, Vulgar, you just annoy me

You literally put me on your wolf list earlier, stop picking and choosing posts to take them out of context

look at this, what a quality observation. He found a way to make an entire compound sentence, give exactly no fucking useful info whatsoever.

What is there to even do D1 when no one claims or has info?

Can you not go full ad-hominem on me?

The feeling is mutual. You are going to great lengths to annoy me too and I don’t quite understand why.

If you read my ISO correctly, you will notice that I have a thought process. And my thought process led me to the conclusion you must be an annoying villager based on a high postcount, insistence on arguing with me for silly reasons, and the complete lack of concern for the others’ perception of you. You are not a wolf, but for whatever reason, you have devoted yourself to discrediting me, misreading my posts, and accusing me based on arguments which are fundamentally flawed.

I concede that I wolfread you earlier based on a fundamentally flawed argument as well, but I have rescinded that wolfread since then because of the flaw. I can really do without the ad hominem attacks, the constant poking at me and shading me, and implying I am an idiot who is unable to comprehend sarcasm. We are in a game where people’s alignments need to be figured out based on their posts, and if the overwhelming majority of your posts drip with sarcasm, what am I supposed to read you on? My earlier wolfread was obviously a mistake, and I owe up to it. But nevertheless, do try not to insult my intellect at every twist and turn. I haven’t done that to you. I simply called you annoying, because you are actively trying to annoy.

What is the point of this statement within the context of the game? This is just veiled ad hominem.

You can still read people on day 1. Again, I don’t see the point of your statement within the game. You’re just scrolling through my ISO to shade me for everything you don’t like. This is more personal than useful. You are not useful to your faction here. If you are a wolf (against my judgment), I disdain your playstyle.

This was your wallpost on a shitpost I made, how is this in any way quality

I’m calling you a hypocrite for posting shit ISO while telling others their ISO is shit.

I asked you to go through your ISO to show me what quality posts you made, not mine. Again, you are not even listening to me and instead using veiled ad hominem attacks to insult me. This is utterly pointless and does not help us solve the game in any way. Either stop doing this or I will ignore you for the remainder of the game.

This is literally how you read an ISO

@Amelia You have my permission to use the following ability on EVO. I will vote to execute so that I can remove this obstacle from the game.

And you will also receive free towncred.

Bro if you could ignore me, that would be a fucking miracle, idk what issues you got, and i dontn wanna know, it’d just make me feel bad, but please stop acting like you have any drop of reasoning while you contradict yourself and pick and choose posts to misquote in lists. If you are villager, seriously rethink your strategy.

I’m… Going to hold off from doing that :eyes:

OMGUS much?

Also, the king has your permission?

Tbf if I grand trialed for no reason then I’d be suspected as purified/righteous

Also, you don’t decide what I do, I am proving your insolence, not defending myself. This is more about showing you how insufferable you are.