[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Nice pocket :eyes:


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:writing_hand: this is going in my notes

Whoops that was one extra picture

eevee’s not in the game

Watch the neutral slot just be a mercenary or something and we’re thinking too hard

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eevee is in every game, spiritually

/vote katze

lynch the host

There is no Day 1 lynch >:(

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/Grand Trial Katze

Can I Bounty you tonight :thinking:

Nah imma just fire the imperial ballista at them

/Swift Swipe Amelia

And then sulit falls asleep like the weakling she is.

The host will redirect any abilities targeting them to someone else of your choosing, provided it is done by the time actions are locked

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oops didnt mean to send that here

The problem I have with this is that I don’t see what exactly drove you to claim. It feels like there should be something more than “I want to make lowposters post” (honestly lowposters should be expecting checks and bounties on them) but maybe that’s just because I disagree with the play.

Also Amelia is giving me EK vibes

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Unseen lol

Just say corrupted king, because that’s what it’s actually called :eyes: