[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Don’t think you can visit dead people


it does not count as a visit.


Okay, thank you. That is what I needed to hear.

He’s not
I cashed in a favor from the illusionist to telepathically link him with all of us


I don’t think we have an illusionist



That’s because they’re on vacation

But italy, I have enacted strict policies on leaving and entering the dukedom

They’re on vacation somewhere else but still inside the dukedom

The dukedom is only this castle and the former byzantine fortress :upside_down_face:

did you know that the walls are hollow to a point where people can live inside the castle walls
that’s technically canon

Of course I know that
How else did we take over castle adiart :eyes:

Where do you think the last plague doctor went

We buried the surgeon in the byzantine fortress

i feel like it’d be really easy to determine what game we’re in by figuring out if we’re in a castle or a fortress
but i guess we’re all incapable of telling the difference

Ah, the incapabilities of a forum

I check to see what kind of building we’re in
Well shit

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Italy goes blind looking through a window, he now cannot see anything

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the real question is
what happened to the templar