[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Something I’ll note about crich is that he’s claiming he swapped to nightwatch, where if he was scum then enforcer would be the far easier claim, especially given he’s new

^^^^tinfoil hat moment

It’s well known that enforcers don’t exist

I can claim when I’m back at my pc in a little bit as mobile is my nemesis. However, unless extremely necessary, I should not out my night actions as my survival depends on it.

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Well… day actions too

Coming from ToL too, I’d avoid a ‘knight’ claim here as Crich too

We still have a Duke alive. Most of the towncore is outted at this point and I think we need to get claims here to avoid a mislynch and have a reasonable jail for the night

EVO, what’s your reason for not claiming?

…ngl I think I know what evo is

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The problem is that we don’t have enough lynches to clear PoE before groupscum possibly reach majority, yeah?

Also, Nappy, unless it is a massclaim, I shall not until my result info is relevant. And I softed d1 anyway.

I mean once i claim its kinda process of elimination

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I think you might as well be hardclaimed at this point tbh

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Heh you think that eh? Mighta tricked more people than i assumed

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ok frankly this is mylo

even if wazza scum we aren’t in a good position as scum can convert and then’ll we’ll be back in the same position

basically we need a mass claim to ensure the best odds of winning this shit

You must turn into what you hate most

I claim Corrupted King


Basically, the game isn’t over if we mislynch today.

I’m Fanatic. Been trying to softclaim Duke or something with an important day ability to bait scum. My plan was to Piety yesterday or today. I’m not outting my actions as I have two single-use day actions.

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you either die a hero
or live long enough to see yourself become the very thing you hate


The MyLo/LyLo distinction is a lot less relevant here, it’s not like Mountainous where you always know what you’re in, we could very well no-lynch, have NK/BD kill the exactly wrong people, and lose on that alone (or mislynch and have the Duke + the NK both hit scum, or any number of other possible combinations)

Basically what I’m saying is, we should think about this as if it’s LyLo minus the ‘have to vote exactly right’ thing