[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

inoc tabor tomorrow
or your vibe will be mine even though i lack murdering weapons
only healing weapons because that makes sense

What reason do I have to believe you are Unseen though?

Of course I will inoc tomorrow

what reason do i have to believe you are unseen
do you see how this works?
it’d be preferrable if you just made tabor bleed immune so our power roles didn’t die because they pricked their finger

Eh I can kinda see the logic here.

Though I could see some scenarios where it could backfire if you are BD

it won’t backfire
because i’m not BD :upside_down_face:

You made some good points until you voted Frost; we still have lesser than or equal to 3 groupscum that we risk giving majority if we mess up. We need to focus on that first imo, just jail NK!Frost

That is worse though because Visionary can just convert.

So what, just avoid looking for groupscum at all? We can’t just not try

Are you serious? If you think that you clearly didn’t read my points

its just nk is the objective better lynch as it removes 1KPN per night and gives us more breathing room

I’ve explained who I think is groupscum.

NK dies either way, I think I see the point here

still we dont want group scum somehow wiggling out of this by converting someone

Yeah, it just lessens the chance of a conversion

I also suspect Crich as a possible NK, so maybe we should look into both Frost’s and Crich’s ISOs again before voting

i mean ive played with frost as nk more than once

fol 11

and iirc

fol 24/25

he always flails and strokes his ego by pretending he has some big shit as NK


im referred to as Noz in this game

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I’ll look into it over time after ISOs, thank you