[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Yeah i woke up early, gonna go back to bed soon too. Have a goodnight

I don’t recall having a NK is beneficial for BD.

It is until they get majority

I’m not whiteknighting here, their play would just be completely suicidal as a wolf and would rely on gambits based on incredible sheer luck.

Imagine you’re starting BD.

Do you claim you can Bounty when you can’t, there’s no guarantee you will be able to convert an Aristocrat, and your target may be lynched, completely outing you if they are Unseen and there is no second lynch?

Then, consider the world where Arete is a convert. That would mean Chloe is fake, because she claimed to bleed Arete’s BD visitors night 1 and night 2. There is basis for that. However, this also means Arete and Chloe are wolves together.

In the world where Arete and Chloe are wolves together on day 2… why does Chloe treat her partner like she did? I listed three reasons why her behavior around Arete on day 2 does not make sense if they are partners. Among other things, Chloe was trying to take towncred away from Arete and drawing attention to them. Besides, she wrote a message which could be interpreted as TMI that Arete is converted. That would be completely -EV as a wolf, and would contribute to outing both partners. Ergo, it makes very little sense.

There is no world where Arete is not with Chloe if they are a wolf, and the Arete/Chloe world is highly improbable based on Chloe’s behavior.

Occam’s Razor says that Arete is a villager here, simple enough.

Possessed could’ve just forgotten about leaving logs.


I am not buying it Vulgard.

And what about the evidence of a deepwolf? Assuming there is one, Arete is the most fitting candidate. Main evidence for Arete being villager comes down to there having to have Chloe as a partner, which I agree on. But Chloe switched to supporting Arete after that situation you mentioned, saving face for him. It could be a simple back-and-forth of swapping towncred by pressuring each other.

Whether or not Arete contributed back I need to check on.

There are worlds where Arete is scum, just not as many as there are for Wazza, Crich, and Frost. But assuming there is a wolf in towncore, it’d be him

Vulgard, give me proof I pocketed you

If we think Arete/Chloe are it, then:

  • we have yet to find the third
  • Arete is exactly the convert, and Chloe is exactly Visionary.

And we need to yeet wolf KP. Who is a potential third here? My mind goes to Richard.

@ Frost When did I claim you’d pocketed me?

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Could also be Italy still. Arete and Chloe have both been avoiding that slot like the plague.

I still think an Arete/Chloe world is super unlikely, but I digress.

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Especially since I think Chloe is >>>rand V outside of her claim.

Unlikely if Possessed wasn’t the kill last night imo

Also, Italy is a 3rd scum in a lot of worlds of mine

But yeah, I’m just saying that if deepwolf=true; probably Arete

This is actually interesting for you to say. You have no reason to change it, is it because Wazza being pardoned?


Now why wouldn’t you jail the NK instead?

No? Maybe you cannot?

That my tinfoil theory is that you are converted? You can hold me but not exe me

Italy can be groupscum with every single player here, because that slot has been consistently ignored by most players in the game and I don’t understand why.

Who said I wouldn’t kill you at night if you don’t get lynched? I just want to jail someone else.

First moment you mention I really doesn’t want to be jailed.

Are you implying I was your target?