you know technically if enough non-vampires die overnight I can win with the NK
but that’s dumb
win with your fair juliet
what’s your plan for how I get enough vampires before autoresolve
we can chain jail the nk
Arete did you bite Crich
Who does the bard convert from?
Are you-a-are you saying vul is convert
Minstrel or Timesnatcher
Hypothetically speaking, if there were a plan that guaranteed that your current faction (i.e. the Unseen) would lose but you would win, would you go for it, as opposed to taking a riskier plan under which it would theoretically be possible for you to win but less likely
u wanna bite vul?
N1 - munch on Italy
N2 - munch on Ami
N3 - munch on Vul
He’s already bitten
I’m trying to figure out if ‘lynch Nappy, jail the NK, have Ami convert Vul on pain of me voting against her’ is a viable plan
that changes his win condition?
But Vul has kind of a lot of principles so I’m not sure if he’d go for it
I feel really shitty about calling Crich scum off of this
He’d get converted by HoB