[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Arete i can still murder tf outta you - gotta check if you heal if your bite doesnt go thru - or if it even counts as an attk

the game would not auto resolve as technically scum does not have greater than or equal to voting power

It would resolve as Unseen have no way to win

Arete, would you work with anybody or just Ami?

I’m not seriously planning anything
Please god recognize that


shut up

I am happy to work with whoever can create a viable plan that results in me winning

given that Geyde has decided for some reason that I’m scum he is not filling me with overwhelming confidence in his willingness to do that but if other Unseen or the NK have any ideas I’m open to listening

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but i wouldnt bite arete cuz then we cant win pepehands



He doesnt represent Unseen, Amelia does imo as king

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The fuck post wasn’t in response to arete btw

Still confused why Arete immediately outted Ami lmao - assuming HoB Kang

Arete slipped

please be specific and stop making vague posts

I’m was trying to force a bait
I want Ami to out what EVO actually is

We need CRich to show up and do something tbh

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the game cannot end until one of the following three conditions is met completely:

1. all of groupscum and the NK are eradicated

2. Groupscum has parity or better with the whole of the living court (including any neutrals) while the NK is dead

3. NK is alive in final 4 and/or fewer with at least one non-groupscum alive there with him

