[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Honestly if Vul wants to flip a coin between jailing Ami and Nappy, im fine with it

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
No Lynch Ami, Napoleon, Arete 3/5
Napoleon EVO 1/5
Currently Abstaining Amelia, Vulgard, Chloe, Geyde, CRichard564 5
vcbot katze will never make a mistake

Then it would be a coinflip on whether or not to use the op shit

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i want vul’s thoughts on no lynch
geyde is prob asleep or away
if it’ll give you peace of mind i’ll unvote until vul pops in

HoB will die if one is killed and the other jailed, they know that, they will push hard to change our minds. They have no interest in our win, for them to win, we must lose. NK dies tonight thanks to Wazza, so I stand by my vote on Nappy. I suggest Ami is jailed to prevent conversion. @Chloe, do you still want me to hold off spikes or no?

I dont even know - gimme a sec

If we lynch Nappy and jail Ami, don’t spike so Arete can bite you - only if they say they’re going to (which at this point isn’t likely - but would be a good selection for them)

If we nolynch, do whatever you want, flip a coin

If we nolynch I want Vul to select either Ami or Nappy and not tell us which I suppose

If we nolynch, then gg tbh, but yeah, I hear you. If @Arete wants to bite me, let me know so I don’t spike.


want a vote on no lynch so vul can give thoughts on it and dictate night plans and hammer if it wants to

Hoping we can end this day soon because im not around for like 5 hours tomorrow

46% of my posts are from today only :eyes:

Oh my god why.

My take:

Me, Chloe, Amelia, Geyde - Unseen. For varied reasons.
Ami, Napoleon - confirmed groupscum.
Richard - groupscum. Was supposed to watch me N3 but didn’t. He autoresolves though (dies to bleed tonight) so I’m not concerned about him. Probably Champion; him being jailed N1 with no nightkill explains the missing nightkill. There has been resistance to a Richard lynch even today, which makes me think he’s the third.
Arete - Strigoi. We probably need them to cooperate.
EVO - NK. There’s just no more room for it to be anyone else. Chloe as NK never claims third Baronet. Geyde is confirmed Marshal with no CC and I don’t think he’s converted. Richard has higher groupscum equity. I actually believe Ami when she says HoB and the NK (EVO) doublestacked last night. I thought Italy was a wolf and pushed that narrative, makes sense the NK would want to kill them.

Ami, Vulgard - the bitten. If we want Arete to cooperate (and we probably have to), both of us have to be kept alive.

That’s my take on everybody’s roles and alignment.

Richard, Amelia die tonight. That leaves us in a 3v2v1v1.

…I think the winning plan is actually to jail EVO. They can’t convert with Richard alive and bleeding. The next day will be 2v2v1v1… (Nightkill from HoB on Unseen)

Fuck. I think jailing Richard, the bleeding Champion, is a waste. At the same time though, I don’t know if I want to rely on EVO killing a wolf at night. The problem is that we never have voting majority. We have to rely on EVO and Arete to cooperate, and at the same time we can’t let EVO live to f4. He has to be lynched tomorrow.

…Fuck, this would be so much easier if I still had exes.

body seems unclear

We always lynch EVO in final 6 or he just autowins in two days. HoB are likely to cooperate there.

Also, King elections. I think we have to elect Chloe. We actually DO have the votes. Baronet has Royal Blood, we just need Arete’s vote if Chloe can’t vote for herself. If Chloe can vote for herself, we don’t even need Arete’s vote. (2 Unseen votes, 2 HoB votes, 1 NK vote, 1 Strigoi vote; all count twice if cast on Chloe). If I get elected, I can’t jail anymore. If I could jail as King, I could see a winning scenario, but alas.

If we elect Chloe…

2v2v1 at night (EVO gets lynched. HoB always cooperate here because they just autolose the next day if they don’t.)
I jail Ami the Arbiter and Chloe selfguards (I don’t think I ever die at night with Arete alive). HoB can’t kill (all targets are protected).

Next day we lynch Nappy and it’s 2v1v1. Jail the Arbiter again. Lynch them the next day.

This still relies on Arete voting with us every single time, which is why I have to stay alive (sorry guys). But if Arete does that, we… win.

^^^ The above plan does not count today’s lynch.

…Fuck. Ami can save Richard with this. He can’t die to bleed if he’s the Arbiter.
Which is why we can’t lynch Nappy, or they might just convert. (50/50 risk of that happening.) Jailing one of Ami/Richard is pure WIFOM at this point. It’s RNG guessing if Ami uses this ability or not.

We really should’ve lynched EVO. The pardon on EVO was the wrong choice FMPoV.

As long as HoB has 3 members tomorrow, we can’t win.

If Richard doesn’t die at night, we’re fucked, and Ami can make it happen regardless if I jail her or not. If I don’t jail her, though, and we lynch Nappy, they can convert. If we lynch Nappy, and I jail Ami, they can convert through Richard if they swapped, and they have 3 members tomorrow again. (But they can’t nightkill.) If Ami doesn’t swap with Richard and I jail Ami, Richard dies at night and they can’t convert that night, putting them at 2 members guaranteed. (One if we lynch Nappy.)

If we lynch Richard, and I jail Ami, this leaves them unable to convert and unable to swap. They can only nightkill.

If we lynch Richard and I jail Nappy, Ami can convert unless she swaps with Richard, in which case they no longer have an Arbiter.

I think lynching Richard, jailing Ami, lynching EVO tomorrow while electing Chloe, and having Arete cooperate with us – these four factors need to be fulfilled.

But Chloe has to live.

Because of that, I think Amelia guards Chloe tonight. Arete is likely to keep me alive by healing me, because it’s pro-wincon for them. We lynch Richard, I jail Ami, putting HoB at 2 members tomorrow guaranteed. I also find it bad to lynch the bleeding player, but I don’t see a good alternative given the options I listed.

We lynch EVO tomorrow and elect Chloe with Arete’s help. Chloe retains the ability to protect herself. We can’t not elect Chloe because electing anyone but Chloe is -EV. HoB have to cooperate on the lynch or they autolose the next day.

I jail Ami again. HoB can’t kill. (Me and Arete get healed by Arete, Chloe selfguards.)

We lynch Ami in final 4.

@Geyde @Chloe @Amelia Thoughts? I think all three of you are villagers.

I’m not voting Richard until the Unseen get online, so that no groupscum hammer flummery can happen.

The plan relies on goddamn Arete though.
Arete, why. Why this.
We’re friends, right? Please… :b:elp.

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