[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

video of roll:

That was at Frost not N point one

when they submitted the convert on vulgard i felt like i was witnessing history

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finalized rolling sequence:

You didnt care

you wrote all that???

You mean you didnt feel that when 3 baronets were rolled?

i already had a lot of it written for the last time
but i edited it for 16p

i didnt watch that happen tbf

i just saw the class list after :eyes:

When Chloe claimed Baronet I am like, nah she’s probs Unseen

rolling the game is much more complicated than I anticipated

watching chloe fakeclaim fanatic because “3rd baronet claim” was kind of adorable too


Like arete but antithetical to luxy, I abhor wisdom of the mod in any capacity
I roll once, record it, and go with it, whatever it is.

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I actually more or less followed the same rand FoL26 procedure as N.1

I die

I didn’t, but it wasn’t just scum voting you



“Your defeat amuses me. Do you believe you are my match?”


“Are you aware I lynch you at will?”


(Gasp) “Is it your wish to die?”


(Laugh) “Then you must be scum, so scummy!”

Perhaps I should go and actually start making class cards for the SFoL I mentioned in dead chat :eyes:

And then you say I buddy’d you without any proof I did.