[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

I mean it’s better than having to go into a literal blood frenzy

+Gains Masquerade Point

Ah. you don’t get it?

So no one is saying a word on how useless I was that game? Perhaps I’m being too hard on myself.

It’s actually rather funny in hindsight.

When is the next SFoL game going to start?

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That is currently unknown

There are 3 new games coming next week, but I don’t think any of them will be FoL or SFoL.

You were pretty useful to me

Here’s one tip if you got jailed: Don’t claim you are jailed or scum knows you’re not Prince…or Duke…or Warden

Running this game was a bit exhausting so I need a short break from hosting.

Are these from the list of the queue?

Idrc if they aren’t
Luxy just said the list doesn’t have to be updated properly
Which I now accept
I’m much too burnt out to run a game next week anyways.

I don’t stick around in the forum if they put their own game above theirs in the queue, then again I need a therapist.

Good game

It takes two tries before you get buried with us

I’m not easy to get rid of what can I say?



Waterloo happened after a series of failures to rid of me