[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

I don’t know, are you? I am not the one painting myself as bleed target I saw Arete is bleeding.

I am doing something, but you just missed on that since you sees it as shitposting.

Remind that my timezone is when the game starts I should be sleeping.

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I am catching up.

Has Derps ever leveled as a wolf? His ISO is pure confusion. I can see a villagery mindset in it, though. The only way he’s a wolf to me is if he’s leveling.


also he compulsively busses his partners for no reason

you can legitimately read him based on how good his reads have been and if they’ve been good he’s usually a wolf

anyways I should sleep

which is tragic because it means I don’t get to talk with Vul

And even then, I don’t think the POV his posts display is all that easy to fake. When you read his ISO and think from the perspective “Derps is Knight,” the posts make much more sense. He wants to go boom bye scum in the night and is looking for suitable targets. Pressuring Arete was probably done to get them to slip or to clarify their claim. Either way, I don’t think a wolf has that kind of presence in the thread. It would be weird for a wolf to fake being a specific class and replicate its mindset in such a blatant, and yet chaotic way.

@ What Arete has just said

I don’t think Derps has accused anyone of being a wolf yet, which is also villagery from this point of view and consistent with his posting in general. He does not want to misfire with his CS, which means he is unlikely to call someone a wolf prematurely.

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By that, I mean genuine accusations, not whatever that was against Arete.

I was originally going to write a wall about Possessed, but then I realized it would be a bad idea. I will just say I have a fairly strong read on him, despite the thread consensus.

Moving on.

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The ISO continues like this. But Vulgard, what do you mean by “like this?”

Napoleon’s ISO is a string of free-flowing, lighthearted posts. I don’t believe such an attitude is easy to convincingly fake as a wolf. For that reason, I consider Napoleon a villager. If he is a wolf, he has me pocketed.

Wow, thanks for confirming a slot I had reservations about. Of course, Arete could be lying, but I don’t think theire progression is the progression a wolf would have while preparing to falsely claim “bleeding.”

Arete was in the middle of a train of thought before getting interrupted by the bleed. It’s a little strange that Arete was questioning EVO when they were bled, but I wouldn’t read too much into it. EVO could be a wolf, or the wolves could be trying to frame EVO. At this point, it could go either way.

Anyway, Arete is a villager to me for now.

Villagery thought, and immediately following the bleed. Maybe it is a little silly of me to make this assumption, but I don’t believe a wolf immediately thinks of this message. Wolves obviously cannot be converted, therefore being converted is seldom on their mind. But Arete’s next message after the bleed specifically mentions conversion, indicating a villagery point of view.

Arete is my second solid villager for the time being.

Exactly nothing, and I was perfectly aware. :upside_down_face:

I feel like people rely on meta far too much to read me. I intend to end this.

Marshal feels and sounds like his village self in the most recent FoL. V lean. I have no reason to call this slot lock V as of right now, unfortunately.

The reason Marshal is not lock V to me is because he buddied with Arete quite early and it feels TMI-ish. Jumping to conclusions may be in Marshal’s village meta, but I am still uncertain enough about this slot to keep it outside of the “do not lynch” pool.

Also, he claimed Inquisitor before, but that is beside the point. He is Marshal. He is quick to declare bullshit claims as any alignment.


Yes, I do realize Marshal claimed Marshal. And I don’t care. I can think of reasons why he would want to do this as a wolf. His posts have not cleared him in my eyes just yet.

Just writing that before you accuse me of wolfreading a PR. I am not wolfreading a PR. I’m saying they are not lock villager to me based on their posting. :upside_down_face:

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Ami’s posts feel and read like villager!Ami. Plenty of strong reads, plenty of meming too, a free-flowing thought process, no rigid conclusions or pushes that seem suspicious. No hedging, either. Ami’s ISO is billboard villager. I initially wanted to wolfread this slot, because I believed it was given village reads too easily, but reading Ami’s ISO led me to a “hard V” conclusion.

TL;DR Ami is a villager. That makes three.

I think this is my tenth post in succession. I will stop here for now, I think I covered all of the content that stuck out to me.

My lack of wolfreads is slightly concerning, but not surprising. I get village reads much more easily than wolf reads.

Hopefully people will stop saying I’ve decided to be useless this game.




Oh God that’s a lot of posts