[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Ami, CRichard564, Amelia, Napoleon, EVO 5/8
Ami SirDerpsAlot 1/8
Currently Abstaining Arete, Vulgard, Chloe, Frostwolf103, darth_tabor, Possessed, Italy, Wazza, sulit 9

ping me if i miss any votes, vcbot katze is rusty

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Do be careful about hammering it too early


End the day with painless death or suffer insidious, choices.

im only #5 :wink:

I’m sorry I won’t be online much at all tonight, I have a huge project due tomorrow that I have to present and I’m kind of panicking and last minute practicing

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So uh… you’re also bountied :eyes:


it would uhhh confirm Arete, but rn we need to figure out why Marshal got knocked

Aside failing his duty as Enforcer (not Knight), what else is he accused of?

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Suspicious behavior, switching targets ig

Not guarding a marshal claim

there is something about Derps behavior as well that I didn’t like as well hence is why I asked him this question

I would quote it but I’m on phone rn

@Ami @CRichard564

What would be your deduction why Derps is scum?

Ami was pretty vocal about hers

@SirDerpsAlot claimed to be Enforcer D1, yet he didn’t guard Marshal who claimed Marshal. Now Marshal died N1. Yes Marshal is Nightwatch though I would expect at least one protection on the marshal claim fake claim or true.


Hmm if Derps is scum how does he flip?

@CRichard564 don’t edit ur post it’s against the rules

If I had to take a guess, he would flip as an nk that could thereotically bypass an enforcer

Ok it won’t happen again.

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Yeah I did that once lmao dw about it