[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Also while my tinfoil is improbable, there’s still damning evidence on you


Also I’m going to sleep, so bye my not-so-loyal court. Try not to murder anyone, thanks.

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I’m bored now

More people vote

/vote Sulit

D2 Claims? (1)

1. Marshal - Nightwatch :skull:

  1. Arete - Aristocrat
  • Unconfirmed
  • Claimed D1
    • Bounty’d Sulit for D2
  1. Amelia :crown:
  • Unconfirmed Type
  1. Vulgard - Nonclaim
  • Unconfirmed
  • Exaggerated misinterpretation of my shitposts, purposeful?
  1. Jgoesgaming -> Chloe
  • Unconfirmed
  1. Frostwolf103
  • Unconfirmed
  • Getting shady vibes
  1. darth_tabor - Nonclaim
  • Unconfirmed
  1. SirDerpsAlot - Knight
  • Unconfirmed
  • Didn’t guard announced target who was also a Marshal claim
    • Also has a bad case of OMGUS ?
  1. Possessed
  • Taunted Arete D1 to bounty him (confidance? reckless?)
    • Pushes me with misinterpreting-Vulgard, didnt drop it d2 so maybe towny, just naive?
  1. Napoleon
  • Unconfirmed
  • *Pushing for leads and people’s reads on each other, towny.
  1. Italy
  • Unconfirmed
  • Meming 100% of his posts.
  1. Wazza
  • Unconfirmed
  • Quiet
  1. EVO
  • Unconfirmed
  1. CRichard564
  • Unconfirmed
  1. Sulit
  • Unconfirmed
  • Bounty’d for D2
  1. Ami
  • Unconfirmed
  • Not as hostile as her personality would require, holding back?

Above are some of my notes, more tinfoil-hat notes have been redacted lmao

Then you have to try harder.

GIve us some reads

Would my reply to Marshal’s soft makes me suspect? Fortunately, there is also Italy who picked that up after I said that, but I disgress.

How could you miss my soft?

I did ask you to ISO better :eyes:

And I will when I am not busy at work

Catching up, but I already dislike the way this day has gone.

Enlighten me

The flashwagon on Derps is one of many things which I believe make him a villager. I don’t struggle to think that Derps attempted to wifom his guard target and got out-wifomed. Besides, his posting seems similar to his day 1 posting, which I read as villagery. And finally, the wagon on him formed with trivial ease.

One way I can see Derps being a wolf is if he is HoB/BD and the wolves decided to have him claim protective, then kill the claimed Marshal to allow for an easy bus on Derps (while simultaneously bleeding Arete to distract the real protectives). That strategy would not be that bad; gets rid of a PR claim (who was not a PR, as I suspected, but that is beside the point) and allows for the other two members of the wolfteam to obtain towncred.

That is one scenario I believe in for wolf!Derps. The other is that he is NK and groupscum decided to kill Marshal to frame him, which would be unfortunate. That would also explain the speed of the wagon, of course the wolves want that cred.

And if Derps is a villager, same principle applies. Some wolf killed Marshal to frame Derps. And the wagon formed quickly, which means some people were surely jumping for towncred.

What connects the three scenarios? People jumping on Derps’ wagon for towncred. If Derps is a villager, as I suspect, that’s even worse. I will have to re-read the wagon formation and extrapolate which votes look the worst.

Ami – Still hard V to me. This is a villager’s vote. Next.
CRichard564 – From the hard null pile. Strange how they suddenly have a strong opinion when they had exactly no visible opinions before. It feels like sheeping. Unfortunately I can see a villager doing that, but none of Richard’s posts have put them outside of the null zone. This slot is going to bother me until it dies.
Amelia – Probably Good King based on posting. Amelia feels and sounds exactly the same as she did in the last FoL, where she was a villager. I don’t think a newbie wolf sounds exactly the same as their villagery self. Tone and “feel” of posts is among the hardest things to fake as a wolf. If Amelia is a wolf this game, I will be beyond impressed.
Napoleon – I still read this slot village, and Napoleon hopping off the Derps wagon quickly when a better opportunity presented itself is a good look. It shows that Napoleon does not care about the cred from the wagon. Alternatively he is intentionally not voting there to avoid being suspected of TMI, but I believe in that much less.
EVO – …Why. Why did that slot put Derps at L-3 this early into the day. It only makes me tempted to tunnel it more.

Short version: Napoleon, Amelia, Ami good in my eyes. Richard null, leaning bad. EVO still bad. :upside_down_face:
And I do think Derps is a villager, so if we could change the wagon, that would be swell.

@Arete Why bounty sulit? Thought process, please.
@sulit Thou art bountied. Defend thyself, knave.

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She was a nullish lowposter (not nearly as much of a lowposter as some other people but literally none of her posts advance the game, they’re basically all memes) and I felt bad about the idea of bountying a newbie even if it would technically have been a better play to bounty one of the 5-posting newbies

since said 5-posting newbie was jailed I think I made a good call :upside_down_face:

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Derps protecting me is something I find slightly V indicative, because it was crumbed, as someone else pointed out earlier. Of course wolves could take advantage of it. It only lends credence to my theory that Derps is being framed by an evil.

I read Chloe’s ISO and it reads completely differently in comparison to her recent FoL ISO. I think she is >>rand V, and since the posts continue to be good day 2 (in fact, they look better to me), I doubt she is converted. There is much more content in them, including the exploration of avenues other people didn’t bother to think about (such as the rationale behind Marshal’s night action). But at the same time, Chloe is not attempting to drown the thread in a discussion that will lead to nothing. I don’t smell any agenda in her ISO. Conclusion: Chloe is probably a villager.

@ Arete I agree. I want to see sulit’s response before you guys quicklynch her, though. If she’s a PR who memed on purpose, we’re screwed.

Any wolfreads you have?

I do too, you’ll note that I’m not pushing a quicklynch

I do think her vanishing as soon as I mentioned she was bountied is >rand wolfy (since a villager here would want to help villagers before getting mislynched, while a wolf would want to avoid spew) but it could be real life stuff regardless of her alignment