[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

That was 2 hours ago.

Meaning: You claimed it D2, also meaning it could’ve been a panic-occ claim.

It was in response to Derps.

And if I was fake-claiming and I knew I was occed, I could just claim any class and say I was occed. It doesn’t have to be a Baronet claim.

Also I’m not converted and converting a bleeding target would be dumb but if you’re really worried I’m fine with the Marshal checking me

Like I said,

you wouldn’t know you were occed.

all you would’ve known is that your target didn’t die.

Sulit is Unseen>Lynch sulit>Arete is Aristo>Day continues
Sulit is unseen>Lynch sulit>Arete is fake>Kill arete tomorrow
Sulit is HoB/BD>Lynch sulit>Duke can jail someone else and get their claim and possibly maybe perhaps even execute HoB/BD/NK/BD aligned neut
Sulit is Unseen>Executed by duke>Rest in peace duke axes
Sulit is HoB/BD>Executed by duke>Duke lost an execute, but scum was killed.
Sulit is Arbiter/Visionary>Shanked by Possessed>Survives>Fuck.

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My theory isn’t that you’re converted Tbh, itd be that your Bounty was too perfect and you did it on a fresh convert to bus them and unconfirm your bounty ability.

Sulit is definitely a good lynch here.

And again, most scum killers are occ immune.


Not Champion, like I literally just fucking said.

See above.

Okay but that would be an actively bad play so I wouldn’t do it

nobody has acknowledged my list that it took me a while to make

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Arete would never bus

Not truly.

If HoB yes, but not if BD.

Never say never

I did, im just busy with Wazza over here :man_shrugging:

i forgot the scenario where
Sulit is Unseen>Possessed shanks them>Unseen dies and vig loses abilities