[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Stay died.

If the nk is archduke then uh… I bid you farewell N3

stares intently at Nappy

Yes the Archduke. Amelia I’d sleep with one eye open if I were you.

Not that that would help since I die to coup’dEtat anyway :eyes:

might i suggest killing the archduke before they can

Problem: I don’t have a killing ability

Good idea yet we don’t know for sure what the Neutral Killer is yet.

He also checked a bleeding Merc claim in FoL26.

Point being: He doesn’t make sense. You gotta look deeper to find his alignment.

it’s been working on hja
you kick their ass until they figure out “okay i shouldn’t do this”

I had my own theory on Arete but its dependant on Sulits flip. If Sulit flips LW, the theory is done…but if Sulit is the convert in a BD game, its very likely that Arete was planning to bus the N1 convert for towncred.

Not an Arete play? Correct, but you can’t keep doing the same things as scum. It just shouldn’t happen.

Other players I don’t trust right now:
Tabor (Ok Frost, im also piecing together that Tabor shut my Arete theory down quickly…possibly suggesting an Arete/Tabor/Sulit current scum team)

Id love to hear them. Im all ears!

This would implicate me, but obviously I know I’m Baronet and I also know I wasn’t attacked last night so this seems more likely that its CRichy Rich.

Yet I’ve been openly claiming I was jailed and claim Page 1st thing D2. I doubt the Neutral Killer would want attention on themselves that early.

Why do you think we were missing a kill last night?

The most likely scenarios as to why we only had 1 night kill is that one of the killing classes was occupied or attacked someone who had a healer on them. The less likely scenario is that they both attacked Marshal, or one of them attacked me without knowing I was kidnapped.

Which do you think is Likliest? Only one occupy has been outted, and its on me.

To me the most likely scenario is that someone got attacked and healed. At least that’s the scenario I’m rooting on to be true.

If were to believe Derps, he guarded Vulgard…and claims it goes through immunity. So that’s another townie D1 target down. Who else seemed townie D1, Arete? Arete was already getting a heal so that’s a dumb move.

You can ask lol