[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Incoming napoleon wallpost? Or is just him plotting on how to usurp my throne


I agree with Italy, groupscum would be much more motivated to kill the Marshal claim than NK

man i was going to do a long reads post but nah i literally can’t do it, so ill just spill everything thats on my mind

Regarding the SDA-Ami and SDA wagon, something feels off there and it seems to be that there is a scum involved here (whether it be SDA, Ami, or on the wagon). I don’t like SDA a whole lot and their convenient “guard Vulgard” thingy is strange, but the larger picture is strange as well… this is honestly confusing

Vulgard has been upgraded into my townreads. their game seems more consistent with their town gameplay.

Man I remember scumreading Arete in FoL26 for townreading Amelia early on but now I can kinda see how they could make such a read. CRichard feels that he’s playing a ToL town game to me-ish, though the lack of night kills might be somewhat indicative. I think an exhume on Marshal should aid in solving the truthfulness of his Page claim, I don’t see CRichard as the type to attack Marshal here and they feel more so like a potential NK here than actual groupscum (based on ToL typical behavior).

also did anyone notice how when vulgard voiced his opinion that it was a HoB game, a lot of people kinda just … assumed vulgard was right? feels like there might be some potential for TMI there if the game is HoB.

This is exactly why I also didn’t like Arete’s n1 Bounty claim a lot, because there was no need to out, nullreads should already feel a potential pressure of investigation. It doesn’t seem like Arete, as I said. I am a bit skeptical about the bleed, it seemed rather convenient against my bleed.

And Italy and Ami feel very strange. Italy usually memes a lot but I don’t really like a few of their post. I think they have potential for TMI here (they did somewhat assume Vul’s assertion to be true here).
Ami, in particular, has placed me in her PoE - this read was rather consistent with her D1. I’ll point out that I don’t find the scumread scummy inherently, but their whole suspicion of me is overall very strange and I have trouble understanding the thought process.

And I don’t think Wazza is the lynch here today.

Honestly, I would also not be opposed to seeing a Darth, Frost, EVO or Italy lynch. I dont honestly know about Ami. Chloe remains a nullread for me but their tone feels slightly different and I wouldn’t place them in my lynch pool for today.

not sure about Possessed but there isn’t anything that really popped out to me in particular but nothing that made him stood out and I don’t really have the energy to ISO him rn. idk i feel like there was something that made me townread him i think but i cant really remember

sulit is always a jail exe

this game is honestly a mess … an exhume on Marshal would help

how likely is it that scumfaction just … WIFOM slays Marshal?

lmk if Ive also missed any claims
CRichard - Page
Possessed - Baronet
Arete - Aristocrat
Wazza - “occupying” class
SirDerpsALot - Enforcer"

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like its either this or NK wants to kill someone they saw as a confirmed town

The reason I was suspecting HoB game is because it would be more flexible with someone getting occed, and I also have that sneaking suspicion arete is arbiter

mind giving exact quotes?


First one was a meme, second one was after I noted arbiter could pick a dayvig after reading the class card


I know it was a meme

I have read through some of Italy’s memes before even as a newbie :laughing:

my read*


What makes you sus of frost? I have him as townread today.

Nappy top scum go

i cant really say I scumread them … i kinda skimmed through … but they are in my PoE.


Italy is an enigma to me. I know my alignment. I’ve scumread darth. SDA is acting aloof so idk

yes im archduke

hey guys he admitted it