[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

If you think im starting scum go ISO me and gimme some more reasons

I forgot they exist lol

Wasn’t crich kidnapped?


cool then im not starting scum. ez

I still think Nappy is scum

Yes but that doesn’t rule out CRich/sulit as a pair

mwah ilyy


not exactly a fan of nappy’s insistence that NK was the most probable to kill marshal
it just feels like they know something about it

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Keep this in mind. Handmaiden works almost exactly like maid does in ToL.

They check for compatibility

I’m not a fan on him not having scum reads at all just I’m okay with lynching any of these players.

Our ToL newbies are: Amelia, EVO, CRichard

  • Amelia is King
  • CRichard was jailed (can jailed speak in scum chat?)
  • EVO has no excuse really

I have a feeling crich wouldn’t assume that handmaiden would work differently

his insistence that it was the neutral killer and not groupscum that vibe checked marshal makes me think he knows something about marshal’s death that we don’t, you know?

irrelevant because sulit claimed today

Jail can speak in chat IIRC

oh dude you right

Also I read the classcards anyway :upside_down_face:

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