[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

that’s fair

having ever been NK I agree that it’s different

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
SirDerpsAlot Ami 1/8
sulit darth_tabor 1/8
Possessed Wazza 1/8
CRichard564 Possessed 1/8
darth_tabor Vulgard, Frostwolf103, Amelia, Napoleon 4/8
Napoleon Arete, SirDerpsAlot 2/8
Amelia sulit 1/8
Currently Abstaining Italy, EVO, Chloe, CRichard564 4

ping me if i miss any votes, vcbot katze is rusty

vcbot katze is also shutting down for the night so VCs may or may not exist in the meantime

Can you guys get off wagons with no chance of success? We have five wasted votes right there. :upside_down_face:
Unless you want to sell me on a non-darth lynch today, then you should start doing so now. EoD is fast approaching.

We have plurality this time, I checked the OP

You do realize that both scumgroups encourage bussing to become more powerful? I don’t believe that is Darth being doing to be honest, I also didn’t say (I directed to Arete) that I have dismissed Sulit for possible starter scum, however I think Sulit is too carelessnees for her handmaiden claim, sure the visonary/arbiter can make that mistake but in perfect world they ask around or even study the counterpart of the class, if they have fakeclaim of handmaiden let’s say.

A scum neut like Rebel make sense because they need to be lynched in order to use the abilities which will affect investigations and day phase voting a lot! Imagine a Rebel voting while dead in later stages.

(I also misspelled once or twice each time I post, like I didn’t dismiss the possibility, even though the message shows as dismissed, which I forgot to add ‘not’)

Frost is a villager, I’m never lynching him. That is all. If you still haven’t accepted it, then accept it. Frost is never a wolf here, at least not today.

Kinda scared of a random counterwagon getting off a wolf-motivated lynch. There are three wolves alive and 2 votes needed to lynch Napoleon over Darth, for instance. Plurality has its advantages and disadvantages.

I had to say it several times that you don’t want lynch Rebel, Darth_Tabor is one such player who ignored my deduction and voted Sulit anyway.

it’s 3:29 AM

why am I still awake

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FM addiction -_-

posting at 3am on east coast
“Wow, dead thread guys darth must be the correct lynch”

I like how you and frost just ignore any defense I put up or any interactions I’ve had. If either of you had read the thread you’d see that I’m off lynching sulit for today and actively working with other Unseen to game solve. Geez, at least try to make you argument more convincing instead of just death tunneling me.

Napoleon voted EVO

It’s getting close to bed time where I live.
Good day to all of you.

Can we like
Not risk the probability of the herbalist exhuming marshal dying to a plurality lunch?

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I’d royal pardon, but I’m not allowed to use it after the first 24 hours of the day :upside_down_face:

Incoming aretepost :eyes:

Except, lynching Sulit because of her claim being wrong means several factors in consideration:

She made a oopsie because handmaiden can’t have two targets, she is either

Fakeclaiming scum, but not convert because convert wouldn’t make a mistake as former Handmaiden.

So it comes down to Arbiter/Visionary and likely provided the classcard from host, although that is my interpretation how it went down.

So why against lynching Sulit, you ask? As Blue Dragon, you will be giving 1 use of this ability for Heroine:

Lynching straight away gives them advantage, jailing the visionary will stop them from converting more and doesn’t give them attacking power

Now I don’t think know you are bussing Sulit for that reason, honestly I don’t believe Sulit is Groupscum at all giving how her claim is fake and guilty as charged, it’s like she wanted to die.

So Sulit fit more as Neut Scum and here’s what you said:

So not only you come to understand our perspective but in next sentence you don’t believe there is not enough evidence to back that despite I have said in my explanation what I have deducted in that matter, but you also are in doubt in case Sulit leaves in the hands of Duke, you also expect them to flip Unseen

Before that vote happened:

That is one of Rebel’s passive I provided you with evidence, did you listen? Nope you just shrugged off.

And that is a terrible defense using it as a joke, so no naturally I am not going to buy your defense to convince me and remove my vote here.

I see you’ve read up to my wallpost, very nice. However, that was 15 hours ago, and you’ll see I have made multiple other posts since then.

You refuse to even acknowledge the validity of my previous perspective and instead are trying to explain the same thing again, offering nothing new here. I’ve already agreed sulit shouldn’t be the lynch anymore, so I don’t understand your need to keep convincing me of this fact.

Your flaws.

You contradicted yourself.