[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Frost, can you do me a favor and hardclaim now, including all of your ability uses thus far? I want to figure something out before I claim as well.
And yes, I’m fully aware we are closing out the PoE on the Duke’s identity, but it’s part of the reason why I want you to claim first.

The Visionary knows my converted class, should I still do it?

I can say though I am no Duke either.

Excuse me, what? How do you know this? Is this a reactiontest?

Yes, you should do it, because everyone will do it today, including myself. There’s no reason to postpone claiming any further. I feel we’re going to need a good nightplan if we want to win, especially if we mislynch, and we can’t make a nightplan if we don’t know everybody’s classes.

Arete said that someone investigated me that night successfully through his gossip, for your information.

No one else have claimed Investigator other than Darth_Tabor, who did not visit me that night.

So I assumed the Visionary was on me.

So in that case, he resolved his slot mechanically as that I am no BD either.

So if there’s scum equality I would be NK instead.

You still here?

Yes. Hmm… okay. You should still claim, though. Your hesitation to claim makes me a little worried. I have no clue what you are hoping to gain by delaying this if you’re a villager. I think you’re one of three people who haven’t claimed yet.


I am…

stop being fuckin melodramtic

you aren’t on a shitty daytime soap opera

The second Baronet, I tried using Mittelhau on Napoleon and survived because, A: The King protected him, or B: He self-healed.

Now watch as BD jail me away in case they have prince.

why would you fuckin mittelhau nappy of all people

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"My name is Frostwolf103, Blue Dragons killed my brother, prepare to die"

I protected nappy. There’s you answer. Why are you people murdering nappy

also I said this earlier in the day

I know you said that earlier in the day, but why would you protect him when he can just self-heal?

Because I had a feeling that if nk attacked marshal, they’d use an unhealable attack to avoid their identity being discovered

According to Napoleon, Marshal is killed by Heroine, still I would have done to resolve his slot for this day.

I also noticed Arete have gossiped me and I got investigated by Visionary no doubt, Darth wasn’t on me that time.

A converted Herbalist can’t self-heal, so thanks for nothing.

Just be thankful it’s a BD game and not HoB, so you can still mittelhau without fear of the converter redirecting you :upside_down_face: