[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

you realize
poacher and fanatic are our two prestige classes

I do realize Poacher, but Fanatic?

The Fanatic

Unseen Killer
Piety (Day) - If any player not aligned with the Unseen faction visits you this coming night, they will be prevented and bled. You cannot use Malleus Maleficarum after using Piety.- One use
Martyrdom (Day) - If a player is executed this day, the Fanatic can choose to sacrifice themselves in order to stop the execution and save the accused player while also bleeding their first accuser. - One use
Malleus Maleficarum (Night) - Guards a target. If any player not aligned with the Unseen visits them they will be bled by you. This does not stop their actions. - Infinite uses
Regicide (Night) - Attacks and kills two targets. You will also die of exhaustion the night you use this ability regardless of the ability’s outcome. - One use
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Nope, no Prestige here.

wait hold on
im dumb
i shouldn’t have read that classcard on 3 hours of sleep

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i coulda swore it was lol

No way?! I got 5 hours of sleep.

I think I know what Wazza is then.

you do realize theres only one of two things wazza could be rn

I know one, actually.

Not two, because who else is claiming 2nd prestige hmm?

Yeah, I might as well do that right now.

I’ll do it by posting my logs.

Vulgard, the Duke.
N1 - Richard is in jail. Richard claims Page. “Yes it’s true I haven’t posted much. There isn’t much information to make reads so far.” - Is all he said. I honestly want to execute this, but I can’t do it this night. Might do it the next night.
N2 - Sulit is in jail. Like I pointed out in the thread, she scumslipped and therefore I am executing her no matter what she says. She claimed Insurgent, said Amelia was bad (I think she’s good, therefore Insurgent is anti-village here) and blackmailed me with revealing my identity in her logs. I don’t care. She can die.
My reads are all in the thread. Refer to my ISO (it is deliberately short) if you want to know my stances on the game until the point I died. If the wolves killed me, it’s likely I was correct about SOMETHING (although I’m threadspewed villa at this point).

Sulit was wrong about my identity, which means I managed to leave pretty good cover. I’m alive right now, which only furthers that. However, the cover ends now – I’m the only one left unclaimed anyway, and the Duke has not claimed.

I killed Sulit, and I originally planned to kill Richard. Right now, I’m not sure if I should. Somebody brought up the point that Richard remembering Nightwatch is slightly >rand V, and I agree. The problem is that we don’t know for sure if that happened unless he lives through N3 and is able to confirm someone. If I were to recommend a target, that would be me. Duke is a powerful class to convert, and also necessary to nightkill.

In the end, I think that Richard might actually be a villager. I’m re-evaluating Frost right now, because I find his Baronet claim sketchy in the current situation. Randomly attacking a person in my towncore is even worse, but I’m less inclined to wolfread Frost for it given the fact I’m quite sure a wolf has infiltrated the towncore.

I’m pretty sure Amelia is still a villager too, and I maintain that EVO would not have argued with me like they did day 2 if they were not a villager. These are my strongest village clears right now who are still alive.

Also, Darth is a villager. Un-CC’d Marshal. Only a wolf if converted, which… could have happened, but I don’t think I’ll be able to find the convert today.

Italy is a wildcard here. I still don’t know what to think about them, especially since we already have a healer claim. The slot is basically always PoE unless they do something villagery today, and the fact Italy is still alive bothers me for that reason.

I’m willing to accept Richard as a villager for today unless somebody convinces me otherwise.

Wazza is… yeah, I think the slot is a wolf in all honesty. I explained myself beforehand. If Wazza is a villager, hopefully he posts a good defense during this Grand Trial. I’m waiting for that.

Chloe, Napoleon, Ami and I guess Arete are the people I have to re-read.

If wazza is torturer then I’ll eat my shoe, but I guarantee he claims forest witch or servant

frost its up to two prestige not two prestige will roll
only classes 100% rolling for unseen is marshal and duke

@Italy @Napoleon which one of you will be on vul or will I have to?

his converted noble class consists being prestige, but I don’t think he lied not being prestige anyway, that would be terrible idea.

I have objection though, he has to be 2nd prestige claim, there’s no way 2nd prestige can’t spawn.

And apparently it’s not guaranteed

frost you total melon



But if wazza doesn’t give a good set of night actions we should execute him

well he might still be torturer but still

He did claim he have occupying ability, so I was assuming he is torturer yeah