[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

you may have the confidence
but it doesn’t mean you’re right.

So from Arete’s Gossip, that is indeed the case that I got visited, by Visionary’s investigation.

It is risky action of mine in case he is the perfect low hanging fruit if he is town.


Decision Voted by Votes
Execution Ami 1/6
Pardon Frostwolf103 1/6
Currently Abstaining Arete, Amelia :crown:, Vulgard, Chloe, darth_tabor, Napoleon, Italy, EVO, CRichard564 9

The Grand Trial will last either until 2020-03-09T04:41:00Z or when one of these two options gets hammered, whichever comes first.

please ping me if I miss anyone

Scorching take: Arete is town because they’re townreading me and have only ever scumread me when they were wolf
this is true but don’t actually take it that seriously

I don’t think I understand. Did Arete out their Gossip?

If my Arete!BD theory is correct, then the Gossip was fake to begin with and you are probably their partner. :upside_down_face:

…I think I’m getting confused here and I don’t like this. I’ll re-enter the thread with a clearer mind.

Yes, he said someone investigated me.

That doesn’t mean I lied about it.

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Arete and Nappy are both towncore. It supports the theory that wolves are too comfortable with the game state rn. We haven’t actually confirmed Arete, and it was weird that they claimed D1 and nothing’s happened to them yet.

Also who keeps bleeding people? I doubt all of these bleed claims are real

Evo bleed Richard, that sounds real.

@Frostwolf103 have you claimed?

i need to know
H o w i n f u c k i s i t c o n f i r m e d b l u e d r a g o n g a m e

Yes, I am Baronet.

HoB can’t check a player and apparently no one has claimed the check on Frost.

bally’s exhume

According to Nappy from their exhume, but if we are considering an Arete/Nappy starting scumteam, then this all goes up in the air.

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Or you are evil scum and knew Arete is evil as well, it’s on D1.

Yes, Evil Senex.

Ofc with 3 healer claims, it’s not unlikely that one of them is fake

im literally mod confirmed as senex lol

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