[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

And let’s not forget that if Vulgard is Prince and executed Sulit, Call to Arms need to be active - why would I have coincidentally Visionary check on me if that was fake when I used mittelhau on Napoleon?

Why can’t you be starting scum?

How does call to arms make my advisers null?

I’m pretty sure both factions are capped at 3

They are capped at 3, yes

Unless Priest/Soulcatcher is involved which I don’t think they have

Wait what

because it’s apparently a BD game so the Arbiter tinfoil doesn’t apply

so your theory here would have to be that … I randomly claimed Aristo D1 and hoped I would get lucky with a neut???

Yes, both evil factions cap at 3, unlike the last one where they capped at 4

Wack, I did not know this

Well now you know

That’s the gist, according to Napoleon, the kill on Marshal is Heroine’s doing. I mean, giving the evidence I have on him, is it really the case here? He is caught lying?

It’s also still possible that something could have happened to my night one action and I was not on arete. But unlikely, pretty much

That you actually attacked Sulit N1 as Heroine? Doesn’t surprised me you are covering NK’s work.

anyways I’m cool with the ‘pardon Wazza lynch Frost’ plan that Vul put out

I think Frost usually flips NK here

So either way, a thunderdome is made.

You made your death.

Remind me, what was your N1?

@Vulgard Before end of day, depending on who is being executed, can you let us know who is being jailed? Would help for night actions if I choose to murder some people

I wasn’t aware you can do day actions during grand trial so no.

n1 - Malleus Maleficarum Arete | Nobody claimed bled d2