[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Okay fine, remind me not to mittelhau you

If Arete is a starting wolf, they claimed Aristo day 1 and prepared us all for a Bounty despite being unable to replicate one in any way. As soon as a “bountied” Unseen would be lynched, Arete would be outed. On day 1, Arete didn’t know that a neutral could potentially be “bountied,” which means that starting wolf!Arete makes little to no sense.

And if you think Arete is converted, they have to be on a team with Chloe, because Chloe protected them from conversion.

It just bleed non-unseen targets, but does it also prevent it?

With these two arguments, the Gossip didn’t even matter, as much as you may dislike Arete’s targeting priorities. Arete is just not a wolf unless Chloe is, and if Chloe is, then they pulled a gigantic brain play.

No one claimed bleeding, and also no one randomly died to bleed last night



I am going to get to work, my vote remains on Richard.

Chloe can still be real with Arete wolf if the convert is exactly Italy/Nappy (because their converted classes can heal bleeds on their team) and that’s about it. But you haven’t brought it up. :upside_down_face:

I’m bleeding now in case that wasn’t noticed.

…Okay, now I’m genuinely baffled. Why do the wolves keep hitting PoE slots? This makes no sense. The bleed is either fake or some weird stuff is going on.

The bleed is even weirder, because Richard hasn’t done anything. How is he a threat to the wolves? By existing? I don’t get it.

@CRichard564 Ideas?

Well I’ve chosen to become a Nightwatch, so they don’t want me to catch them killing important Unseen targets. So these are the players who I think are scummy and what I think their alignments are.

Frostwolf103 if he’s evil is most likely the Neutral Killer. It would make sense see he’s trying to point at me as the Neutral Killer as I was jailed N1. He didn’t vote up Derps though if he were NK, that wouldn’t be surprising to not look too suspicious.
Italy is 50/50 Plague Doctor or possible Heroine/BD convert. He was the hammer vote on Derps.
EVO is Poacher claim who used his wolves.
Chloe also voted up Derps as well.
Arete is an Aristocrat claim who didn’t bounty Derps. This might indicate he isn’t Aristocrat.

Chloe if she is scum has to be BD. I don’t think she is Visionary if that is the case. She would likely either be Heroine or convert.
Arete is probably Visionary as it’s rather suspicious no one has come forward to confirm his gossip on Wolf.

Eight people voted Derps. Why are these the only ones suspicious for it?

I’m reading the votes. As Derps was Unseen some of the votes had to be scum. I doubt all the votes on Derps were Unseen.

I know, but why those people specifically instead of the others? What clears the others in your eyes?

Amelia I’m not sure what their alignment is yet. It will depend on if she protects the confirmed Unseen classes or not.
Napoleon has outed the scum faction as BD. Now if we were a convert I’d expect the same result from him as well if only to appear Town.
Darth_Tabor is the only Marshal claim so I’m inclined to trust her. My hope is that she isn’t the N1 convert.
As for you Vulgard, I knew you weren’t scum D2 and I’m inclined to think you’re still Unseen.
Ami is the Senex who said they were on Darth. She is the only neutral claim alive in the game and she is Unseen aligned based on her logs.



EVO claimed the bleed.

Oop. Sorry, I missed it. Good target, honestly. Gives us time to heal him if he has confirmable results tomorrow and is alive. And if he doesn’t, we don’t have to waste a lynch.