[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

You just said Richard is good bleed target, there is no telling if they are bleed immune.

That…make no sense, of course I targeted Napoleon but doesn’t make me NK.

There is no NK that can redirect or bleed.

Redirect + bleed in same card

Arete bounty me

Arete do you copy Frost’s message? Please bounty him if you can.

The problem is that we do not have time for Arete to Bounty Frost. Even if they do that, and we lynch Frost tomorrow, we’re screwed if he’s Unseen and it’s probably too late if he’s NK. With 2 KP, not including my execution (unless I’m able to reduce KP), we’re likely in a world of four tomorrow unless I hit groupscum. That’s 6v4, and a Frost lynch ends the game outright if Ami is a BD-aligned Senex.

I’m a little paranoid here, because waiting for a bounty is super risky and might be outright game-ending if Arete gets redirected or something.

Actually, 5v4v1. We don’t have the votes tomorrow if a wolf doesn’t die and both non-Unseen KP succeed.

Lynching a bountied Frost if he’s Unseen is even worse, because it gives room for the wolves to lynch another Unseen and we will be completely powerless to stop it.

Basically, everything relies on getting KP out today or tonight. Since I think Frost has the highest NK equity right now, and haven’t been convinced otherwise, I’m pushing him.

Yes that’s a good point. Besides Arete I really hope he isn’t Visionary.

What happened to Crichard a while back?

He’s my NK suspect #2. Convince me to lynch him today?

The problem is that if he’s a legitimate Nightwatch, executing him today means the wolves have no reason not to kill me in the night if I fail to jail wolf KP. Nobody will be outed. I realize this is a selfish way of thinking, but I admit it’s part of my bias.

I will admit that he’s been underwhelming all game, though, even when requested to do something. I think a newbie villager would at least try to contribute, especially when their team is not in a good spot.

Oh I’m here Frost now you’ve mentioned it.

Richard, you do realize that if you’re Unseen, your team might lose because you get killed in the night by mistake. Right?

Can you do something about that? We desperately need to solve your slot.

I seem to remember mentioning I’m bleeding.

Unfortunately for you, that got caused by Evo, the poacher

So I follow you so I can confirm healers and maybe the Aristocrat Arete on you right?

The heroine bled me today

then hurry up and bleed out.


And it doesn’t solve you either, because most NKs are informed if they are bled. So, that doesn’t clear you.

I agree, that’s one way you can be partially cleared. It doesn’t clear you of being groupscum, but it clears you of being NK. I don’t think there is an NK who sees visitors on other players.

The problem is that we have to wait until tomorrow to get this “confirmation,” and I’m pretty sure we need it today.