[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

That wasn’t necessary Amelia but ok…

Anyway, I am confident of Arete flipping scum, Vulgard’s argument relies Arete being BD, he have yet to provide it being NK.

I feel like Arete is playing too careful until today

Well at EoD D2 as well

i’m gonna be totally honest
even if ami isn’t corrupted king we can’t really afford to get rid of anyone that doesn’t halt nightkills or stop conversion

I may not halt nightkills, I can stop conversion.

Something Vulgard is failing to see that, who is going to stop the conversion when I am gone, the king?


That is what Baronet does, you know…

Fine, I’ll explain myself. It also explains why I’m suspicious of Frost. Prepare for the scummiest fuckin claim of all time - but I can tell you why I did it.

I am not Fanatic. If I’m being honest, half the reason I claimed Fanatic was out of panic. I originally planned on fakeclaiming a support class with little survivability, but Italy ended up claiming plague doctor - so I would look too suspicious. I scrolled through the classes quickly, and ended up deciding upon Fanatic. Fanatic is a “powerful” defensive class that also has low survivability. I was softing the use of Piety. For what reason? Well, here goes:

I am the third Baronet claim. And honestly, I think I’ve played more like a Baronet than Frost has been. I’ve been trying to bait evils into my Missgunst as the only thing they have to fear is a damn bleed from Piety. Yes - it is EXTREMELY unlikely that there are three Baronets. Hell, the probability of rolling three Baronets out of 32 classes is exactly 0.001298. THAT is why I believe Frost is Neutral Killer. Whether you believe me or not is up to you - but I’ve been trying my damn best to bait evils and get a kill tonight. I understand why this might not be believable but you read my ISO. I’m not scum. Yes, it’s true that Arete can be converted. Hell - they might have been the target of my attack tonight. I’ve truly just been trying to avoid claiming my true class as it now makes a part of it almost useless.

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What is votecount

this is getting interesting

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Spicy, Chloe.


Aight i’ll keep it there until Vul comes back

The Baronet have ups and downs, you can redirect but that also causes to be attacked.

I redirected Napoleon’s heal to me after all.

Yeah yeah yeah. I know what my class does

Nevertheless not recommended.

My point is, if there’s reason why Arete wanted to push me is that he’s the attacker on me.

Vulgard is stubborn however, he have made painstaking read why he can’t be BD, he have yet to make one as NK.

Look, he want NK dead today? He gets one.

Is this you outting?