[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Not really, I think there’s no reason to assume they didn’t succeed n1. How did you get the impression I thought they’d missed?

Go read my ISO. Im not capable of that level of deepwolfing

And like I said, I doubt duelist is in play unless no one somehow visited the HoB

Dude fuckin 50% of my posts are from TODAY ONLY - im trying here

Richard can also be NK. EVO/Richard/Chloe contains NK, Unseen and groupscum, and I’m really struggling to figure out which one is which.

If crich is nk then we have a far better shot at winning as he bleeds out

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EVO is not the convert. He would not have been able to bleed CRich - also I did not die to duelist last night when attacking nappy

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It HAS to be me or geyde

CRich cannot be converted cuz of supercop

Notice how CRich went on the /nolynch wagon for a few minutes? WE WERE AT L-1

Why would I ask them to unvote and NOT slam it myself?

Unfortunately I must go to class

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Stay safe from bud light virus

One of the bleeds could be fake, which would screw everything over. (For example, Richard being evil and not dying tonight.) I think I’m panicking again.

Are you sure Duelist is impossible? Because Chloe and EVO both convert into Duelist, judging by their claims.

If Amelia’s bleed was fake, and she is actually HoB King who signaled, she’s a wolf goddess.

Aight lets see here, one of the bleeds can only be fake if:

  • Amelia lied (if she were HoB game would be over)
  • EVO is groupscum with CRich - impossible
  • Napoleon is Surgeon - impossible, also woukd have selfhealed instead of them redirecting italy to him

She would out todsy and they up who they think is nk and win

Any chance Napoleon is NK? It seems borderline impossible, but given the flummery that happened at SoD, anything is possible.

I hate being in this position.

Actually no, no way. Ami has been treating Nappy like their scumbud.

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Yeah, i can be duelist, but why the hell would I jump through hoops to make this game last longer than it needs to?

I had multiple chances to cut the act and win immediately.
I would not have 50% of my posts from today only.

Why would i not go “oh yeah thats a good idea” to a horrible idea - and allow for an easy hob win?