[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Also thanks for being smarter than all of us

Im trigger happy
I wanna kill someone lmao

Can’t you do this to Nappy, actually? Except in this scenario Arete can’t bite you, but I think they can bite Geyde or something?

No they will make napoy the arbiter

The problem is that Ami will swap with nappy

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And then Ami becomes an occ immune champion

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Think we do this shit? I no-kill

If Chloe doesn’t kill tonight, it’s f5 with 2 hob / 1 unseen / strigoi / nk

…Wait. They just either kill me or convert me, or Arete sides with HoB. HoB wants to vote out NK and we have 3 votes vs Arete and NK’s two

Or f6 with 2 unseen instead if NK doesn’t bypass. In that case NK always gets lynched either way because Arete + NK can’t outvote the other factions

Yeah nk needs hob out

Yeah. If NK kills HoB it’s 1 hob / 2 unseen / strigoi / nk

We vote out NK or else HoB loses, they have to vote with us

Then we… jail the last HoB
And win?? As long as Arete votes with us tho

Yet no HoB have died yet. I have to go to bed now have a good day.

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If nk kills champion after nappy is lynched, then it’s 2 unseen / 1 hand / strigoi / nk

If NK doesn’t kill HoB tonight Unseen lose (last member dies or gets converted)
If NK kills HoB tonight Unseen can win if Arete townsides

Pretty much. Only question is do we have enough votes to lynch someone?

What is your plan if Crich flips NK? We can’t rely on NK if they could die tonight

We just barely do

Win relies entirely on who nk kills

UNLESS evo isnt nk

If crich flips nk then we crown Chloe and grand trial an HoB

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