[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

No johns

@Vulgard well Geyde finally came on

I need a VC lmao

We’re at l-1 pretty sure

/vote Napoleon

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Also that’s hammer so everybody stop talking


y’all got a habit of hammering while I’m asleep

Eh, give me a bit to get out of bed and process this :eyes:

Final Day 4 Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
No Lynch Ami, Napoleon, Arete 3/5
Napoleon CRichard564, Chloe, EVO, Geyde, Amelia 5/5
Currently Abstaining Vulgard 1
vcbot katze probably made a mistake but napoleon def got hammered
also pretend this wasnt a reply to chloe lul

Flavor may or may not be added later

Napoleon has been executed by the court on the charge of High Treason!

He was…

The Champion :shield: :crossed_swords:

Hand of Byzantium Killer
I am the Hand (Passive) - If you were a previous class before becoming the Champion, choose one limited use ability with 2 or more starting uses from any of your previous classes and gain it again as the Champion, with one fewer use than it began with in its original class. If you are the original Champion, did not have any limited use abilities with two or more uses in any of your previous classes, then this passive does not apply.
Swift Swipe (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Corpse Swap (Day) - Choose a player. If you successfully kill them tonight, they will flip as a class of your choice with a logbook of your choosing or an empty logbook. - One use
Merciless Attack (Night) - Attack a player with the might of your blade - Infinite uses
Supreme Strike (Night) - Attack two players in the same night. - One use (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

They left the following logs…


Dusk 4 has begun and will last until 2020-03-11T18:10:00Z in which we will enter Night 4.


I forgot to make the “Night 4 has started” post :upside_down_face:

Night 4 has started and will end in 24 hours 2020-03-12T18:30:00Z in which we will enter Dawn

(extended night a tiny bit since I forgot to, well, start it)
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shouldn’t that be tomorrow

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i don’t know what you’re talking about, shhh

Night 4 has ended and we have entered Dawn 5.

Expect your feedback to arrive at your doorsteps shortly.

Chloe, Amelia, and CRichard564 have all been found dead!

Chloe was . . .

The Baronet

Unseen Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Gerissen (Passive) - If you have killed any Unseen-aligned players in the match, then you will not be allowed to receive votes to become the King.
Missgunst (Day) - Grants night immunity for the coming night. If any attack is blocked then you will gain a use of Vom Tach. - 2 uses
Mittelhau (Night) - Redirects the selected player’s action to you while also granting yourself immunity to all redirected attacks and conversions, then attack the player. If you successfully kill a player then you will gain a use of Vom Tach. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Vom Tach (Night) - Prevents you from being occupied or redirected, then attacks your target and kills them, bypassing healing and night immunity. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Unseen. - 0 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Chloe had the following logs on a piece of parchment on her person:

Chloe the BarOwOnet!
n1 - Nothing |
n2 - Nothing | Not attacked
n3 - Mittelhau Napoleon | I was not attacked
n4 - Nothing |

gg! :heart:
if it comes down to NK or HoB winning, you guys should make sure NK wins since arbiter is stupid broken

Oh also,

Cat Pictures <3

Amelia was . . .

The Corrupted King :shield: :fire:

Unseen Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King. If you are executed for treason, all players will lose their Royal Blood passive.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. This ability can only used during the first half (24 hours) of each day. Cannot target yourself. - 2 uses
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Praetorian Guard (Night) - Sends a guard to a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Imperial Advisers (Night) - Sends an adviser to a player. They will be immune to conversions for the night. - 3 uses
Permanent Scheme (Night) - Target player will be immune to conversion for the rest of the game - One use (Starting King Only)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Amelia had the following logs on a piece of parchment on her person:


Guys I ran out of blood, please be sure to grant Chloe the crown assuming she’s alive, thanks.

CRichard564 was . . .

The Nightwatch

Unseen Investigative
Follow (Night) - Observe a player to see who visits them at night. - Infinite uses
Window Peek (Night) - Learn a target’s faction. - 2 Uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

CRichard564 had the following logs on a piece of parchment on his person:

CRichard564 - The Page now Nightwatch
N1- KIdnapped by the Duke
N2- Train to become Nightwatch - Success
N3- Follow Ami - No Visits
N4- Follow Vulgard. RIP died to bleed :frowning:

Well I’ve been a lot of use this game.I’m a noob at this game, be nice please.


  1. Marshal - Dead N1
  2. Arete - Strigoi.
  3. Amelia :crown: bled D3 probably dead tonight.
  4. Vulgard - Duke
  5. Chloe claimed Fanatic D3.
  6. Frostwolf103 - Late Baronet claim. Mislynched
  7. darth_tabor - Marshal
  8. SirDerpsAlot - D1 Enforcer claim probably tricked or disabled N1. Lynched D2
  9. Possessed - Baronet. Dead N2
  10. Napoleon - Champion. Lynched D4
  11. Italy Plague Dr claim and was the hammer vote on Derps. Quarantined Darth D3.
  12. Wazza - Unseen Offensive who occupied N1.
  13. EVO - Poacher with bleed on me.
  14. CRichard564 - I’m a Page now Nightwatch.
  15. Sulit Handmaiden claim with fake N1 logs. Going to get Duke axed. Dead N2
  16. Ami - Didn’t vote up Napoleon. Probably HoB or NK.

Day 5 has just just begun and will last up to 48 hours, at a maximum ending at 2020-03-14T18:55:00Z.

An election to select the new King has just begun! You may only vote for the new King within your classcard (not here). This election will last up to 12 hours, or may end earlier if and only if everyone alive writes “/lock-in vote” unanimously in their classcards.

No one may be voted for for execution while the election for King is still in progress.

Have fun!

Obligatory NAI Host Ping:


Imagine replacing into doomed slot

Unseen probably fucked

Ami - Arbiter
Vulgard - Somehow fucking ns
Arete - Strigoi

Who did you bite?

Hey Arete

Vul/Ami/EVO are all bitten and N is letting me count for my wincon