[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Geyde did I do an okay job of playing Striboi

that class needs to have its survivability nerfed before it can come to FoL

we weren’t going to let you heal yourself outside of when you were attacked at night if I hadn’t told you beforehand that this wasn’t the case. The former would be better for FoL IMO.


of course you were attacked by EVO that night so you would have bleed healed yourself anyway


write your flavor :newspaper2:

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Tbh I was so pissed when only marshal was dead, I thought I’d at least sac the healer on them


I knew arete wouldn’t die, but I gambled on killing the healer early

I mean Haemophilia prevents visits so if I’d been Unseen I would have

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So what happened with the kills N2

Ahhhhhhtrue fuck me

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See now, the purification of these lands.
The reign of the black empire has fallen, and we will use the power allotted to us to rebuild. The people will know no more slavery to the corrupt lords, and will finally be able to enact their free will.

But still, abominable wretches have no home in the place of the people. Twisted and foul, they destroy the ground beneath them, making them no better than the evil of the Unseen.

Despite what you have done here in aiding us, EVO, we must end your life. May the world nevermore have to deal with your pestilence.
And to the people I cared for, blinded by their unwavering oath to an uncaring ruler, I weep. Your innermost humanity will not be forgotten.

Finally, to Arete. I have no contention with you. You seemingly never cared who won in the first place. Let it be known that to stand in our way is tantamount to treason.

I have no doubt the success of the Hand is assured.


we tried to double kill but lolmittel

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I cannot die. I will always be reborn. And I will remember The hand.

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don’t you mean the Clittorati Cartel

I care little for the petty political struggles of mortals. The Hand of Byzantium and the Unseen rise and fall in cycles. Perhaps you shall fall once more; perhaps not. All of your human empires are built on corpses, and yours shall be no exception; yet I have tasted of death of death and come out stronger, so what have I to condemn in your actions?

So long as you do not interfere with me, so long as you allow me to inhabit your kingdom unimpeded, I have no quarrel with your empire. May your reign be peaceful and your lives be long, as mine has been.

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munch munch

We’ll be prepared.
Tell your master your kind is no longer welcome.

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May my chaos-born siblings reduce all that you build into gravel. I curse all of your names.

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also i made the hand into a drug cartel as the court was on crack

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clittaroti cartel

Unseen, The Hand, The now eradicated Blue Dragon, your strigoi servant, I pray that all of you taste the hellfire that I was born from.

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