[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

as only 3 votes were required to execute EVO, and we got 4, EVO has been pardoned due to an integer overflow


Decision Voted by Votes
Execution Ami, Geyde, Arete, Vulgard 4/3
Pardon N/A 0/3
Currently Abstaining N/A 0

Shortly before High Noon, @EVO was suddenly put on Grand Trial by @Vulgard, The Purified King! He had fought hard to make it here, but at this point he knew that it just barely wasn’t enough. He was sad that he was about to be banished back to hell, and it was even more unfortunate because of how tangibly close to succeeding at his mission he had been given when sent here.

“We all know what you are!” said Vulgard. He, along with his allies, @Geyde, The Champion and @Ami, The Arbiter agreed with him wholeheartedly. “We’ve fought tooth to the nail to reclaim our homeland from tyranny of the Unseen Kingdom.” said Ami, relieved. “And we very nearly lost it all in the end, but not quite.”

Suddenly, everyone else took out some chalk and was surrounding EVO on all sides. They began drawing an incredibly intricate seal, starting with an outside circle with all sorts of various symbols within very symmetrically. EVO felt that he was losing the strength to move at all, slowly but clearly. He had never felt this way before but was now very scared.

After a few minutes, everyone put the chalk away. The Seal was complete, and EVO was helplessly trapped. “You haven’t seen the end of me!” he cried out in despair. “I will be back!”

“Best of luck with that,” the newest member of the Hand, Geyde, remarked. “It’s time for us to rebuild this land as a place with justice and freedom at its core, not fear and subjugation. This also involves purging the world of hellspawn, like you.”

EVO turned his gaze to the side, to the only other invididual left alive, @Arete, The Strigoi. He exclaimed in anger: “Well, well, a vampire! you’re damned, same as I. I think I’ll be seeing you soon enough.” Arete though, was convinced of otherwise, and responded: “I don’t think so, pal. The Hand of Byzantium has some very powerful divine connections. I know I’ll be able to cleanse myself while I’m here. You’re finished, though.”

Arete took out a Flint and Steel, and a twig. They rubbed the flint and steel together, faster and faster, over the twig, as EVO became more and more terrified but had no ability to move at this point. After about 20 seconds: Sparks, and then fire! Arete immediately dropped the fiery twig right on the outer edge of the seal. Within a matter of seconds, the fire supernaturally spread all around the circle, and then filled in all of the symbols within the circle, moving ever inward, until EVO was set ablaze, burning alive while he descended into the ground and cried “AAAAAHHHHH!!!” in agony which briefly opened as a portal back to hell, banishing him away. After about 10 more seconds, the circle magically ceased to be flaming and exist at all, and EVO was gone.

“It’s time for a new era!” @Vulgard proclaimed. We will rebuild this place into a great nation, and will will thrive for generations and generations. However long it takes to liberate the people from subjugation and fear, all over the world.

“For our fallen comrades, @sulit and @Napoleon, your sacrifice will never be forgotten! We will create a new world! A better world, that works for everyone!” Vulgard stated, emphatically.

“For the Hand!” Vulgard said.

“For the Hand!” all three Hand of Byzantium members said.

“FOR THE HAND!” everyone, even Arete, joined in unison.

Ami, with her divine power, unsheathed a glowing Golden Sword, pointed it up to the skies, and proclaimed: “THE HAND OF BYZANTIUM SHALL THRIVE FOREVER!”

The heavens chose to smile upon Ami and her people, and unleashed a blinding beam of Golden Light down into the sword, for it was now exactly High Noon.

EVO has been exorcized by the court and banished to hell on the charge of High Treason! He was . . .

The Demon :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Cloak Of Mithras (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing and keep this part of the passive if your class changes. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
Brand of Sacrifice (Day) - Bleed target player. - One use :crown:
Haemophilia (Day) - Increases the power of Funeral Pyre tonight. - 3 uses, 1 day cooldown
Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze, killing them. If Haemophilia is used, the target is immune to visits from others except you, and anyone who attempts to visit them is also killed by the flames. In addition, Funeral Pyre will bypass death immunity on the initial target and not count as a visit. - Infinite uses :crown:
Your objective is to make it to at least (possibly fewer depending on the state of BD / HoB) the last four players alive while the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium do not hold a majority over the court on their own.

If EVO ever had any logs, they were either burned to a crisp or sent back down with him.

The Game has Completed! The game result is . . .

IMPERIAL TRIUMPHThe Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi have won!


maniacal laughter

Yet even so, the knowledge that regardless of the turmoils of the world, I shall survive and prosper, is something I would not trade for any finite human friendship.


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Gamers win pog

Spreadsheet link

Scum chat

Gamers rise up

Also you bunch of dorks for not reading logs.

Can someone add me to scum chat + dead chat please

Dead chat is now public but im on mobile so uh, go find it


Ez converted into win after replacing into unwinnable slot

Honestly, this was the most epic ending of a game I’ve ever been in. D3 onward was wild.
Thank you for the game, and for the conversion. I was already winning you the game from the opposite side, so you didn’t have to convert me, but you still did.

The roleplaying at the end was fun and you guys are great. Sorry EVO for the quarrel. I still think it was silly, but I have no hard feelings.

And sorry Frost for the mislynch. I didn’t really care if you were Unseen on that point.


Except Arete…who actually bother to visit Vulgard after I got lynched

you suck

Jesus Christ why is dead chat 1,100 posts long

I am inevitable

we’re double checking with scum chat before making it public

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The ending was amusing to watch ngl but I feel so bad for the Unseen