[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Depends on what Chloe thinks though

nah lol
you could have grand trialed and hammered on your own
Vul had royal blood

well not with no convert

So did Chloe? Also GT wouldn’t have killed EVO if Arete or Chloe didn’t vote guilty

i forgot this was assuming multiple hypotheticals which didn’t occur.

I probably would have sided HoB over NK, even as a neut, because I was friends with most of the HoB.

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You literally didn’t wanna side me because I was super neuts out lol

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That’s not ‘not wanting to side you’ it’s ‘expecting to be backstabbed if you can afford to backstab.’

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Have I ever backstabbed you? :upside_down_face:


I think I’ve backstabbed too many neuts to remember

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though one time you did let me win as Pretender King when you didn’t have to because you were trying to incentivize non-openclaiming Prets :thinking:

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The only time I remember is that when you were Pret King and I said that I would have killed you if I had the chance

Oh that’s the same game we are talking about but we have different memories of it


IIRC you had enough votes that you could have voted me out but decided not to

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it’s hard to backstab neut!Arete in ToL because I fakeclaim like an honorable neut

CW best Merc claim


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open claim neutral next FoL game plz

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I’ve sadly done it before :frowning:

FoL is neuts out anyways so I don’t have to do the job