[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

don’t post it in the thread

if you aren’t sure ask a host in your classcard and if it’s really serious they’ll deal with it (but if it’s something minor it’s probably fine)

angley stuff is always going to slightly influence your private reads but don’t bring it into the thread

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Hey, I just skimmed and ddid takes on what stuck out, at that’s:

  • Arete is easily confirmable why are people spending so much time on this
  • I don’t know how people generally play Marshal, but it looks important so I don’t think it’s characteristic for marshal to claim Marshal, and I have no reason to believe it’s not FPS again since you just did that Inq claim
  • EVO stop mentioning me
  • Vul has an attitude

No, EVO said I outed my scum meta

That’s it that’s my scum meta


eh this is so base level tho

real good spice is fancy spice with lots of flavor

that spice is bland as shit. It’s like a bottle labled “spice” and it’s barely flavorful

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like idgaf about aretes claim they are socailly town to me

Sorry bud, I don’t FPS, I’m not good enough to do that yet lmao

“evo talks about me a lot”


pick better reasons

u dont have to FPS to add spice

spicy reads are fine

but give them more depth

evo or vul can be scum

But i need more then “evo talks about me a lot”


I feel like you’re taking these as hard pushs. They aren’t I’m just pointing out things that are happening and shouting my shitty opinion, prolly something I learned from avalon

i don’t really FPS 4 spice anymore anyways

i FPS and reactiontest for actual concrete reasons which have goals in spice

the “FPS 4 spice” thing was more of a scum!marshal thing

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yeah fine ur reads can be base level

but i want more depth

like i told evo

maybe a quote or 2 added to each read

Arete could still be angel mechanically, but idk. Ami is town-read for calling me a ‘yes man.’ Crich is new, so i retracted my suspicion there. Darth is really defensive and OMGUS rn, so my suspicion would go up there if your last game wasnt a D2 lynch, because of that I can only assume he just doesnt want to die early again

That’s fair.

You’ll get more depth when I see enough base level stuff to wanna full check a person

also this post reminds me of me scum and I don’t like it again
not AI, just feels weird

see like this is what i like to see

an in-depth read with a good thought-process and some nuance

obviously not world-champs-mafia level but it shows the though process from start to finish in a sentance or 2


if everyone could post like this the game would be better

im trying to do that starting with FoL26

and i feel like having logic behind my reads more then gut has helped me a lot

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If you call defensive me trying to justify my reads, then yea that’s what it is ig.

I normally get much more sassy or agitated when I’m really defensive tho

why is it for me that i feel the opposite… :frowning:

or maybe my logic is really bad

at least in NFoL4 lol

well post with your logic

others will tell u if ur logic is bad

but if u dont try u cant improve

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