[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Your confusion seems fake to me. Yes, I am serious, and I have been serious since my first post in the thread. Does that truly require an explanation?

I wonder why you suddenly shifted gears. If you were emotional as a villager before, wouldn’t you continue to be emotional now? I am actually calling you a wolf now, and that is not your alignment if you are a villager. You should be more upset now. But you are backtracking all of a sudden.

Eh. I don’t really want to discuss this with you further. I can’t make you admit to having a wolf PM. But the read is out there now, and I’m standing by it.

No, what I am doing now is backtracking because you obviously do not understand sarcasm or satire in any form, and it is not worth my time explaining it.

if you took this post seriously then idk what to say

i even put emojis to be extra dramatic but you still made a wallpost about it


@Vulgard, you realize I was making fun of you for wallposting about my shitpost right? And now you wall post on my response to your wallpost on my shitpost?


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This is also shady. Don’t like this post.

do the emojis not hint at the satire, @possessed ?

i think my posts have kept a pretty regular pattern, a little odd to start misreading them now, eh?

Vulgard’s tone is Different but I’m soulreading him town I think

They could, but it still feels shadier than sitting under an umbrella in the Sahara desert.

There’s a definite difference, especially when put under pressure from Vulgar.

I think part of the whole wanting me to die thing is how I’m meming about getting murdered by unseen

Unseen game confirmed boys and girls

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“Pressure” was baffling to me, I literally thought he was shitposting on my shitpost, but when I learned he was serious its just…wow

OMG nooooo

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I read the post sequence and I didn’t even look at Vulgars analysis before I picked up on the same things that were mentioned.

Ok! That’s enough taking D1 seriously, back to regularly scheduled memeing.

He literally wallposted on my shitpost about making him King.