[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Frostwolf103 Ami, Arete, Napoleon, CRichard564, Vulgard, Chloe 6/7
Arete Frostwolf103 1/7
Currently Abstaining Geyde, Italy, Wazza, EVO, Amelia 5

ping me if i miss any votes


/vote Frost

@Vulgard Think Arete can be wolf with this new info?

Final Day 3 Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Frostwolf103 Ami, Arete, Napoleon, CRichard564, Vulgard, Chloe, Amelia 7/7
Arete Frostwolf103 1/7
Currently Abstaining Geyde, Italy, Wazza, EVO 4

Stop talking, that’s hammer.


Flavor will be edited in later

Frostwolf103 has been executed by the court on the charge of High Treason!

He was…

The Baronet

Unseen Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count twice.
Gerissen (Passive) - If you have killed any Unseen-aligned players in the match, then you will not be allowed to receive votes to become the King.
Missgunst (Day) - Grants night immunity for the coming night. If any attack is blocked then you will gain a use of Vom Tach. - 2 uses
Mittelhau (Night) - Redirects the selected player’s action to you while also granting yourself immunity to all redirected attacks and conversions, then attack the player. If you successfully kill a player then you will gain a use of Vom Tach. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Vom Tach (Night) - Prevents you from being occupied or redirected, then attacks the your target and kills them, bypassing healing and night immunity. Disables your night abilities if the target is aligned with the Unseen. - 0 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

They had the following logs:

Last will:

Vulgard is converted Prince, do not attempt to heal them. Arete is their Visionary. Unless Amelia is lying, then EVO could be the Heroine? If not then he lives.

D1 - Missgunst
N1 - Nothing
D2 - Nothing
N2 - Mittelhau Napoleon
D3 - Missgunst

Dusk 3 has begun and will last until 2020-03-09T18:23:00Z, in which we will enter Night 3.

Katze is cute

Dusk 3 has ended and Night 3 has begun. You may now submit night actions.

Night 3 will end at 2020-03-10T18:25:00Z


Night 3 has ended and Dawn 4 has begun.

Expect your feedback (and the day to begin) shortly. Flavor will be delayed once again.

1 Like

Flavor will be added later

Italy and Wazza have both been found dead!

Italy was…

The Plague Doctor

Unseen Support
Self-Aid (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Reverse-Hemophilia (Day) - You will grant a player immunity to bleeding. - One use
Herbal Medicine (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any bleeding and poisons they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Remarkable Quarantine (Night) - You will heal a player, giving them the effect of Herbal Medicine for this and the coming night. - One use
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

They left the following logs:

well this was unusally fitting for me
Italy the Pestilence Destroyer
N1 - Herbal Medicine Arete
N2 - Remarkable Quarantine Tabor (i know i’m a genius)
N3 - Herbal Medicine Amelia

Wazza was…

The Infiltrator

Unseen Offensive
Alert (Day) - Grants immunity to occupation and to target changing the coming night. - 3 uses
Detainment (Night) - Silently removes all of the passives and night immunity from your target. The Detainment will also last until the end of the next night except when it comes to removing Royal Blood, which lasts two days. - Infinite uses
Off-Limits (Night) - Occupies your target if they attempts to attack or convert a player. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

They left the following logs:

Day 4 has just begun and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-03-12T18:45:00Z, or earlier if somebody gets hammered. If nobody is hammered by then, the execute will be decided by plurality or rand in case of a tie.

With 9 alive, majority is 5.

If you would like to vote someone or unvote, it must be submitted, in bold lettering, in the format /vote ______ or /unvote , or the submission will not be considered.

Best of luck!


NAI host ping



So here’s the thing

I’m pretty sure Amelia is HoB so you have vote parity if I vote with you

the problem is that someone went and killed Italy which means that if I just vote out the NK with you I probably just lose due to the game ending with insufficient bitten targets

Do you have a suggestion for how to resolve this

Who do you think is nk then?

Also please tell Nappy he’s an idiot for pushing me when he knew that doing so would out 2/3 of your scumteam if it actually worked

I’m 90 percent sure I know but less sure than that that it advances my wincon to tell you

Groupscum’s probably figured it out by now

What in the FUCK is happening here and what in the FUCK is NK.

Why do we have a missing kill again? I killed Wazza. He said NOTHING in jail.

I’m losing my sanity.

Like I get that some people are neuts out

but there’s ‘being neuts out’ and there’s ‘literally outing your scumteam to get rid of a neut’

The NK has to be Richard who didn’t submit an action, right? All of these missing nightkills don’t make any sense anymore. I don’t see a world where NK doesn’t try to kill groupscum here. Maybe they hit-

What? The wolf faction is BD.


Are you not converted

Was I right about Arete Angel?