[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II -- Return of the Fallen -- Pre-Game (16/16)

nice try :^)

do me first

if this is the case also issuing a nice “don’t talk anymore” to prevent angleshooting seems likes a good idea

i haven’t started rolling yet. I’ll let ppl know when I do. Chances are it won’t be tonight


one possibility is to just send out PMs to the first ten or whatever the limit is people on the player list that say ‘placeholder role PM for [name]’ and edit in their actual role later

nah i don’t like that
i’ll declare when im gonna roll, after that, i’ll ask for silence

if you don’t want to reach the PM limit just combine all of the town classcards and give everyone their role there

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That’s what I do for scum to avoid the limit lol

The roll is commencing now. I will post again when the roll is completed and then start sending out role PM’s. Please do not post again until the game begins. Thank you


The roll has concluded. If you don’t receive your role PM within the next hour, it means that I ran out of PM’s for the day and you’ll receive it within 24 to 48 hours.

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I did not run out of PM’s. All role PM’s have been sent.

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Please cease talk about this game outside of your individual role PM until the game begins.

After FoL 26 ends, I will create a new thread for the game thread and then promptly begin the game.


Apologies to everyone; I was asleep. Day 1 will begin iminently in a new thread. Also, @Italy has subbed in for @AlexejheroYTB.