[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II -- Return of the Fallen -- Pre-Game (16/16)

this sentence is still grammatically incoherent

feel free to fix this in my op if you think you have a better way of wording it

Also, I just gave the arbiter this same ability to make their visits appear as something else, as well

this was a mistake. No kings should have double votes anymore so i tried to remove all of the,m


I gave you a suggestion for how to word it

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Kings now have grand trial and royal pardon but NOT sword of damocles or double vote (plurality is now always online in addition to majority)

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i just added in your text for that ability; thanks btw

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everyone, please ignore text like this from the OP. In the first version of this setup, there was a starting convert class. This game will not have one of those.

This looks interesting


the knight enforcer destroyer watches from the shadows


Somebody is going to roll enforcer and then replace out just to annoy me i can feel it

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Depending on when this starts, would you be potentially interested in a co-host?

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i cannot run this game without a co-host who can commit to helping throughout, most of all with action processing (sorry to call luxy out, but yes, unlike luxy)

if you’d like to co-host, i’d be very grateful

just pray you get converted to the hand of byzantium as soon as that happens

I plan to start this game as soon as both of the following conditions are met concurrently @katze

  1. this game is filled
  2. at least one of ToL FM or FoL 26 is over
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want to co-host? @katze

if fol26 is over when this starts i’m probably down to co-host

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cool ty