[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II -- Return of the Fallen -- Pre-Game (16/16)

they say that upon the death of a knight, enforcer or crusader you can hear laughter from within the castle walls
but that’s just a story, nobody watches from inside the walls…

I don’t see myself playing this unfortunately. If I’m going to be on a cruise ship sometime next month, that might be a problem.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

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I’m guessing that asking for conversion is punishable in FoL, correct?

I think so yes?
I’ve never seen anyone do it though

I asked Geyde when I was hosting FoL 25 and he said it counts as gamethrowing

We would probably be more lenient with obvious jokes due to the nature of the set-up

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Well I can be a spectator so I can see how it works differently from ToL.

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@Vulgard interested? You did help make this a ton

(this is the user formerly known as maxwell, if you weren’t already aware)

shut up isaac

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silence noob



/in but will change strategy again


the knight slayer waits patiently within the walls, knowing he will be required soon

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Might /out depending on circumstances but for now consider me /in

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Ah, I forgot about the Wall Passives. I love them, I helped write them.

…I’m not sure which of the two things I just said is worse.

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I actually might enjoy the game more if I implement the “new strategy” I mentioned in the thread. :thinking:
It’s probably a less “welcome” way to play, but I don’t really care. Might as well experiment. I’m not planning to gamethrow.


Was this one of the games I said I wanted to Co-Host? I forgot lmao.

Otherwise /In

I don’t remember that lol, so I’ll mark you as in for now.

Alright, I can join this, yay!

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